A Quote by Colin Kaepernick

You have to be able to do everything as a quarterback, and that's not necessarily taking care of your job but making sure you're preparing everyone else to go out and play well. And make sure you have them in the right mindset when they step on the field.
For me, it's about having energy in the field and making sure I'm having fun and making sure everyone else around is having fun, whether it be telling a joke or something like that. It's to make sure we're all upbeat and we're ready to go.
I just always want to make sure everyone's good. I look out for my younger sister, my older brother, my mom, and my dad - I feel like I'm really hands-on when it comes to taking care of them, and making sure that they're good.
I take really good care of myself, and I make sure that my body's in tip-top condition, and I stay on top of everything - eat right and do everything else to make sure that I can play for a long time.
Every single thing I`ve done, from the Affordable Care Act to pushing to raise the minimum wage, to making sure that young people are able to go to college and get good job training, to what we`re pushing now in terms of sick paid leave,everything I do has been focused on how do we make sure the middle class is getting a fair deal.
Everybody has to be accountable on every play. The main thing is that we have to do our job. Going through all of the keys, making sure we are making the right reads, blocking the right person and getting the right route depth. Everything.
In my early work, my time in the batting cage, that's serious, and that's when I feel like I'm really working. That's where I have to lock in on my approach, make sure my mechanics are right, and make sure my mindset is right for the upcoming game. But then, when the game comes up, it's a game! You're supposed to have fun when you play games.
It's our job to make sure the players are ready to play at a high level. Part of that is making sure that the emotion is in check.
Take your time and make sure the person who you do intend to have sex with is someone you deeply love and care about, and make sure you get to know them as much as you can, and make sure by having sex you don't compromise your character.
We have to have a shared prosperity. We have to make that our job number one. People want a better economic playing field for working Americans. And they're voting for it. Our job is to make sure that people know that the Democratic party is the party that is going to deliver that for them. And that means strengthening the grassroots. That means strengthening the local precinct county level and making sure that we're all channeled on massive turnout for that program.
The universities have got a job here as well in making sure that people actually understand that we're open for university students coming into the U.K. There's a job here not just for the government, I think there's a job for the universities as well to make sure that people know that we are open.
I want to make sure that we have a tax code that makes sure that everyone benefits, including those in poverty and those middle-income wage earners and those that have already lived the American dream as well as making sure that everyone can receive the benefits of a robust economy and not just the select few.
If any other part of your body has some weakness, you go, 'Well I can probably manage.' But when you're a quarterback, and it's your right hand, you're certainly concerned far as being able to do your job.
Big Brother isn't watching. He's singing and dancing. He's pulling rabbits out of a hat. Big Brother's busy holding your attention every moment you're awake. He's making sure you're always distracted. He's making sure you're fully absorbed. He's making sure your imagination withers. Until it's as useful as your appendix. He's making sure your attention is always filled. And this being fed, it's worse than being watched. With the world always filling you, no one has to worry about what's in your mind. With everyone's imagination atrophied, no one will ever be a threat to the world.
Every night, I don't care if I'm doing interviews that day or photo shoots that day, what's most important is that I'm making sure I'm right and tight for the show. These people all come out to see me, so I have to perform and make sure that they never forget it.
If they don't know the Lord, I encourage them to search for and open their hearts and their eyes. If something happens to me tomorrow, I'm going to go to heaven and that's for sure because God's promised to us in the Bible. I want to make sure that those people out there feel the same. At the end of the day as long as I glorify him and those 45,000 people know who I represent out there every time I step out on the field, that's what it's about. It's about representing God.
I moved to Nashville with the same kind of mindset that I had in L.A., and that is to make sure you don't get outworked by anybody and make sure you're always writing songs and take every opportunity to play that you can.
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