A Quote by Colin Powell

Being responsible sometimes means pissing people off. — © Colin Powell
Being responsible sometimes means pissing people off.
Inherent in being proactive and trying things and not waiting to be told what to do is the fact that you're going to fail, you're going to make mistakes, and you're probably going to piss people off. And if you're not pissing people off, if you don't have haters, if you're not putting yourself in a situation that has some risks associated with it, you're probably not going to realize your full potential.
I'm polite. I guess that's the dichotomy within me. I don't like to piss people off just for the sake of pissing them off. I pick my battles.
If you are pissing people off, you know you are doing something right
I believe in fate. Sometimes that means an old bearded guy sitting on a cloud and pulling the strings; sometimes it means random atoms swirling through a cheerless universe; sometimes it means everything being preordained thanks to your karma credit from your previous lives.
My mother's psychologist says I have an overactive anger switch, but people just keep pissing me off.
Being a Negro in America means trying to smile when you want to cry. It means trying to hold on to physical life amid psychological death. It means the pain of watching your children grow up with clouds of inferiority in their mental skies. It means having their legs off, and then being condemned for being a cripple.
The picture of the guy pissing on the chair was a picture I had to do. I had the idea of this absurd act of pissing on a chair rather than in a toilet or on the ground, and this minimal act being so transgressive, even though no major harm is done.
Socrates was likewise right that pissing people off is how we first, and maybe best, go about the business of provoking thought.
We like annoying people. It's a Manchester thing. It's a trait. We just like pissing people off.
I'd much rather speak up and stand behind something I believe in than worry about pissing off a couple hundred people. And if they're more pissed off than if I never said anything, well, sorry but not sorry.
Pissing people off doesn't mean you're doing the right things, but doing the right things will almost inevitably piss people off.
I write intuitively, and with most of my plays, I don't know what is always going to happen. This means I can sometimes go off on a wrong tangent, and with luck then rewrite it in a better direction. But it means I sometimes surprise myself as I'm going along.
You can try to please everyone and risk accomplishing nothing, or go for your dreams and risk pissing a few people off.
Better to have him inside the tent pissing out, than outside the tent pissing in.
If you’re not pissing someone off, you probably aren’t doing anything important.
That's the biggest problem existing in this country! People are always mixing up the word free and freedom. Free is something you get for nothin.' Freedom is a responsibility. We think freedom means do nothing, don't be responsible for your actions.... I think its time for adult Americans to be responsible for themselves, to take back the responsibility of being a free nation.
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