A Quote by Colonel Sanders

I don't fear that a man will wear out as quickly as he will rust out. — © Colonel Sanders
I don't fear that a man will wear out as quickly as he will rust out.
Always plenty to do. Cannot well be idle and believe will rather wear out than rust out.
Work is the basis of living. I'll never retire. A man'll rust out quicker than he'll wear out.
We must all either wear out or rust out, every one of us. My choice is to wear out.
People are just like farm equipment. They rust out quicker than they wear out.
I'd much rather wear out than rust out.
Few minds wear out; more rust out.
I would rather wear out than rust out.
. . . if gold rust, what then will iron do?/ For if a priest be foul in whom we trust/ No wonder that a common man should rust. . . .
Few people wear out before their time. Mostly they rust out, worry out, run out - spill out. A machine must have care and its different parts must be adjusted properly. No machine has ever approached the human machine. When it is right, it is in health.
Better to wear out than rust out.
Its better to wear out than to rust out.
It’s better to wear out than rust out.
I don't want to rust out, I'd rather wear out.
It is better to rust out than wear out.
The only fear I have is to fear to get out of the will of God. Outside of the will of God, there's nothing I want, and in the will of God there's nothing I fear, for God has sworn to keep me in His will. If I'm out of his will that's another matter. But if I'm in His will, He's sworn to keep me.
Pride is characterized by "What do I want out of life?" rather than by "What would God have me do with my life?" It is self-will as opposed to God's will. It is the fear of man over the fear of God.
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