A Quote by Confucius

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra. The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me you don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step the man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.
The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.
The difference between ordinary and extra-ordinary is so often just simply that little word - extra. And for me, I had always grown up with the belief that if someone succeeds it is because they are brilliant or talented or just better than me... and the more of these words I heard the smaller I always felt! But the truth is often very different... and for me to learn that ordinary me can achieve something extra-ordinary by giving that little bit extra, when everyone else gives up, meant the world to me and I really clung to it.
The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.
You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.
The difference between ordinary and extra-ordinary is so often just simply that little word - extra.
I hate it when I go out and I see parents going, 'don't do that', or 'stop doing that' when some kid's just hanging off a staircase or something. There's too much of this, 'don't do that'. The whole thing baffles me.
The difference between a good picture and a mediocre picture is a question of millimeters - small, small differences - but it’s essential. I didn’t think there is such a big difference between photographers. Very little difference. But it is that little difference that counts, maybe
Do you want to come climb the transformationa l leadership mountain with me? Your first step begins with DESIRE. Do you want to make a difference in the lives of others? If your answer is yes, you can be that agent of change you wish to see around the world!
The question is, what are you going to do?" It turns out the question that's been eating away at me has only ever had one possible answer. But it took Peeta's ploy for me to recognize it. What am I going to do? I take a deep breath. My arms rise slightly - as if recalling the black-and-white wings Cinna gave me - then come to rest at my sides. "I'm going to be the Mockingjay.
Sexuality and where it is going is an extraordinary question, for I don't see it going anywhere. It is with me, and that's it.
Every little thing you do is going to add up and be the difference and contribute to your success. If you believe in that, it's going to make you want to get 1 percent better every day. Do that extra one rep in the weight room. Do that extra mental rep at practice. Stay a little longer because it's going to add up and be the difference.
A lot of people will tell you the first step to starting something new is to have an idea. But to me the first step starts long before that. The first step to acting like an entrepreneur is to look not at the writing on the wall but at the spaces between the writing. It's in the gap between what's being said and what's not being said that entrepreneurs thrive. The way to get going is to find the courage to take your dream out of your head and put it to the test in the real world. Don't just think it; act on it.
With scheduling and the way projects come up, I take the first thing that interests me and that moves me. If it's going to be fun, if I'm going to have a good time, and I'm going to enjoy the people I'm with, then that's a good enough reason to do it.
The only difference between an extraordinary life and an ordinary one is the extraordinary pleasures you find in ordinary things.
I see no difference between my pictures that people consider amusing and the rest. To me, it's all serious work - they're just a reaction to what I see. I don't leave this apartment in the morning and say to myself 'Today I'm going to be funny and tomorrow I'm going to be sad.'
Whenever I get a chance, I'm trying to take the extra base and make them make a play on me. I'm not going to stop looking for the extra base unless the scoreboard tells me.
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