A Quote by Corey Lewandowski

Mr. Trump has evolved to the point where he understands that a grass-roots strategy must be supplemented with paid advertising to be able to combat the negative ads that will run against him - and he is prepared or preparing to spend what it takes to make sure his message gets to the voters.
Trump doesn't need to spend a dime to get his message out. Trump doesn't have to run an ad. Trump doesn't have to run a series. He doesn't have to pay people to show up. He doesn't have to buy TV advertising, because he gets more coverage than the combined advertising the rest of the Republicans could buy. And aside from the overwhelming, significant upset that is, the very fact of all that ticks them off. Donald Trump has direct access to his supporters. And you know who gives it to him? The media.
Mr. Trump has his own style, his own technique, his own uniqueness.It's not something I probably would have done, but, again, that's the way he has evolved to this point in his life. And it's worked well for him. And I expect you're going to see more of that.
It's normal that elections make fierce partisans of many of us. It's normal that Mr. Trump would attract the usual right-wing buffoons to his banners. Normal, also, is that many voters may not be troubled by Mr. Trump's cruder statements when they hear him addressing their deepest economic and social anxieties.
Trump can spend virtually an unlimited amount of his own money on this election, which makes him unlike any of the other candidates in the race. So those who oppose him will have to work very hard to make sure he doesn't win.
There should be no surprise that forgotten America, no matter their ethnicity, because we see that Mr. Trump was able to get Hispanic voters, African American voters. Oh my God, the majority of, of, of the women voters that he was able to amass, even though he was painted as the other, my party, the Democratic party, did not listen to the voices of the forgotten America.
Hearing Mr. Trump in person, I finally understood why millions of voters, especially voters who have been ignored and left behind in this economy, connect with him.
While the left will attempt to drown out Trump's political accomplishments with unfounded allegations of Russian collusion, the voters who made Trump commander-in-chief will likely reach a different conclusion. Trump has proven himself loyal to the voters who put him there.
Even though voters overwhelmingly dislike negative ads, they do influence voters' opinions about a candidate.
We run all kinds of ads, as long as they are clearly marked as advertising when there's ever a question. I think advertising is advertising. If it's 100 percent clear what it is, then, with certain exceptions, I can live with that.
If the story-teller is to nourish the roots of his culture, society must set him free to follow his vision wherever it takes him.
Anger about the wars isn't the only reason voters support Mr. Trump. But his willingness to say what other G.O.P. candidates won't reflects what people like most about him: his complete break with the party elite.
No one`s dropped a cent - there`s no negative ads up against Donald Trump in Iowa which is crazy to think about.
Trump has moved campaigns into a post-advertising era with a total reversal of spend from paid to earned media.
To earn the support of grass-roots activists, you have to spend real time, looking them in the eyes, answering their questions. Part of it is also you have to have a message that inspires people.
You can go out and you can run ads all day long on Donald Trump and what he says about women, and you haven't even gotten close to separating his supporters from him, 'cause that's not why they're there.
I've done a number of Super Bowl ads. And that is the best advertising of the year. That is when people realize they're going to be compared directly against other ads.
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