A Quote by Corey Lewandowski

Every time Mr. Trump goes to speak somewhere, he lays out the problems with that given location, whether it's Ohio or Michigan, or Indiana, you know, your country is a mess right now. Our jobs are leaving. Our trade deals are killing us.
Ohio suffered, like a lot of Midwestern states, under the weight of trade deals that really diminished a lot of good-paying manufacturing jobs; a lot of the blue collar workers in the state are suffering, just like many of their counterparts across the country. I'm not terribly surprised that Mr. Trump won Ohio.
The economy is very sick. We're losing our jobs to China to Japan to every country. We're making horrible trade deals. We are losing jobs in this country. Hundreds and hundreds of thousands of jobs are being lost. And part of the reason is our taxes are so high in this country. I'm also cutting, you know they don't talk about that.
Ford is leaving. You see that, their small car division leaving. Thousands of jobs leaving Michigan, leaving Ohio. They're all leaving. And we can't allow it to happen anymore.
Just look at what this corrupt establishment has done to our cities like Detroit; Flint, Michigan; and rural towns in Pennsylvania, Ohio, North Carolina and all across our country. Take a look at what's going on. They stripped away these town bare. And raided the wealth for themselves and taken our jobs away out of our country never to return unless I'm elected president.
I support free trade. Donald Trump supports free trade.Trade means jobs. Jobs in the United States, jobs in my home state of Indiana are supported by international exports.
On trade, our country is a disaster. We have political hacks. People that give money to politicians. That's how they get their jobs. We have the worst people negotiating our trade deals. We're going stop that. We're going to have the greatest business people in the world and we have them. We're going to have the greatest business people in the world negotiating our trade deals with China.
I am totally in favor of trade. But I want trade deals for our country that create more jobs and higher wages for American workers.
Among the responsibilities, we will be ending the bleeding of jobs from our country and negotiating fair trade deals for our citizens.
Ford is leaving. You see that, their small car division leaving. Thousands of jobs leaving Michigan, leaving Ohio. They're all leaving. And we can't allow it to happen anymore.As far as child care is concerned and so many other things, I think Hillary Clinton and I agree on that. We probably disagree a little bit as to numbers and amounts and what we're going to do, but perhaps we'll be talking about that later.
We're losing all our jobs. Look at Indiana. One of the reasons I won Indiana is because Carrier just announced they are leaving for Mexico.
Hoosiers have seen good paying jobs leave our state for decades because of NAFTA and other bad trade deals from Washington. President Trump is using tariffs as a negotiating tool to fix these problems that have been baked into the international economy for decades.
Terrorism and trade policy are clearly topics where Trump expresses the fears and concerns of many American people. There is a widespread feeling in this country that the government has been too willing to go into trade deals that sent American jobs to Mexico or to China. The affected communities feel left behind. It is one of the reasons for Trump's rise.
We always imagine that there's got to be somewhere else better than where we are right now; this is the Great Somewhere Else we all carry around in our heads. We believe Somewhere Else is out there for us if only we could find it. But there's no Somewhere Else. Everything is right here...Make this your paradise or make this your hell. The choice is entirely yours. Really.
But, we have had the debate in our country now for a number of years as to whether or not free trade agreements are good for economic growth and economic opportunity in creating jobs and lifting people out of poverty.
You companies won't be leaving our country under a Trump administration, they'll be staying right here. And believe me, there are plenty of them right now negotiating to leave, I hate to tell you that.
Our message has been muddled, especially in 2016. Voters in Ohio heard from Trump, 'I'm going to save your coal jobs.' And while that was a lie, what it told them is, 'I'm going to feel your pain.' What they heard from the Democratic side was, 'Vote for us because Donald Trump is crazy.'
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