A Quote by Craig Groeschel

If you delegate authority, you will build leaders. — © Craig Groeschel
If you delegate authority, you will build leaders.
When you delegate tasks, you create followers. When you delegate authority, you create leaders.
Government is necessary, but the only rights we can delegate to government are the ones we possess. For example, we all have a natural right to defend ourselves against predators. Since we possess that right, we can delegate authority to government to defend us. By contrast, we don't have a natural right to take the property of one person to give to another; therefore, we cannot legitimately delegate such authority to government.
You can delegate authority, but you cannot delegate responsibility.
One reason leaders don't delegate is they haven't been sufficiently clear with the team regarding their vision and key priorities - so that the team understands where the firm is going. If everyone is on the same page, it's a lot easier to delegate effectively.
The only way to handle big business is to delegate, delegate, delegate.
Delegate it to the manager. You have this really good staff that will take care of everything for you. You just have to delegate it and trust it.
True leadership is moral authority, not formal authority. Leadership is a choice, not a position. The choice is to follow universal timeless principles, which will build trust and respect from the entire organization. Those with formal authority alone will lose this trust and respect.
Leadership is a choice. It's not a rank, it's a choice. I know many people who are at the top of their organization who have authority. We have to do what they say because they have authority over us. But they're not leaders. We wouldn't follow them. They may be at the top of the company but they're not leaders.
Surround yourself with great people; delegate authority; get out of the way
I had to delegate authority to the people on my staff. That means you shave away the hierarchy.
One of the things that I want to make sure everybody understands is that when you delegate the authority, you have to set the standard.
The most important thing in the Land of Israel is to build, build, build. Its important that there will be an Israeli presence everywhere. Our principal problem is still Israels leaders unwillingness to say in a simple manner that the Land of Israel belongs to the People of Israel.
Surround yourself with the best people you can find, delegate authority, and don't interfere as long as the policy you've decided upon is being carried out.
Real leadership is about building people up and empowering them. Many leaders feel that empowering someone else will reduce their own authority. I ask you: When Rasulallah salAllahu alayhi wa sallam empowered the sahaba, did that take away from his authority or did it empower him?
You can delegate a lot of things, but you can't delegate PRAYER. I'd rather have one GOD idea than a thousand GOOD ideas.
All around us, algorithms provide a kind of convenient source of authority: an easy way to delegate responsibility, a short cut we take without thinking.
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