A Quote by Cuba Gooding, Jr.

If I told you I was a Republican and you were a Democrat, no matter what I said after that, it would be tempered with your opinions. — © Cuba Gooding, Jr.
If I told you I was a Republican and you were a Democrat, no matter what I said after that, it would be tempered with your opinions.
If someone were lying on the road dying would it matter to you who came to save you? If it was a Democrat or a Republican, would it matter?
I'm very liberal in some ways, and then I'm very conservative in others. I once asked my grandpa, "Are you a Republican or a Democrat?" He said, "I'm a Democrat, but I'm saving up to be a Republican."
I've run as a Democrat, but I was not a Democrat. And when I ran as a Republican, I was not a Republican. I was just utilizing the New Hampshire primary as a vehicle to put forward my satirical critique of the system.
If Hillary Clinton were prosecuted and if... Well, let's just leave it at that. If she were prosecuted, there is not a Republican safe from liberal Democrat harassment and prosecution on there on after.
There is a study that shows that people who were asked their political opinions, when there was a picture of the American flag in the corner of the questionnaire, reported more favorable attitudes toward Republican Party positions, because the flag is typically associated in people's minds with a Republican belief set. If people vote at a polling place inside a church, they vote more Republican. If they vote at a polling place inside a school, they vote more Democrat.
What is the difference between a Democrat and a Republican? A Democrat blows, a Republican sucks.
It wasn't like anybody said, 'Oh, Ronald Reagan will have a landslide in 1980.' In fact, you look back at the Dukakis numbers, the Perot numbers, there was always this presumption that the Republican was going to lose. Not just that the Democrat would win, but that the Republican was going to lose.
I'm calling my initiative take the other to lunch. If you are a Republican, you can take a Democrat to lunch or if you're a Democrat, think of it as taking a Republican to lunch because there is no shortage of the other right in your own neighborhood, maybe that person who worships at the mosque or the church or the synagogue down the street or someone from the other side of the abortion conflict - or maybe your brother-in-law who doesn't believe in global warming.
What we try to say is that it doesn't matter if you are a Republican or a Democrat or conservative or independent. You are equally responsible for your place in the culture, and you must make a contribution, and you must accept responsibility for what goes down on your watch.
I was speaking on the radio in South Texas [in 2016], and I was speaking to Hispanics, and I said 'You know, you probably vote Democrat because your parents always voted Democrat, and your grandparents always voted Democrat, but let me tell you something. Thirty years ago in Texas, there were two parties - liberal Democrats and conservative Democrats. Looking at your principles, your values as Hispanics, in all probability your parents were conservative Democrats. The conservative Democrats of 30 years ago are Republicans today!'
Whether you are a Democrat, Republican, or Independent, facts matter.
This is my favorite story of the week. The Republican National Committee is in trouble after spending nearly $2,000 at a bondage club in Hollywood. You know what I call a Republican who spends a lot of money in a strip club? A Democrat.
It doesn't matter if it's a Republican or a Democrat. If you do the right policies, you get economic growth.
It doesn't matter to me if someone is a Republican or a Democrat, I'm going to be the governor for all Marylanders.
No matter that you're a British citizen, no matter that you were born here - your skin colour means you do not have the same rights as others to express critical opinions about your own country.
So it's a really sort of mixed issue but I think, no matter whether you're a Democrat or an independent or a Republican, the idea that a sitting president would attempt to leverage dirt on a political opponent from a foreign leader is just beyond the pale.
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