A Quote by Curtis Jackson

Eating well was something I learned as I started to be successful and had to travel and perform concerts, which are an intense cardio workout. — © Curtis Jackson
Eating well was something I learned as I started to be successful and had to travel and perform concerts, which are an intense cardio workout.
I do things that are very uncharacteristic of a normal workout routine. I hate cardio. Absolutely hate it. I grew up as a wrestler, so it was constant cardio, cardio, cardio.
A regular workout for me is 30 minutes of intense cardio followed by lifting weights.
Some weeks, I'm super-duper busy, so I can only fit cardio in here and there, a lot of stuff happens in the afternoon, so I can get up and have a workout, which makes me feel awesome for the rest of my day. There's just something sexy about feeling strong. And every night I'm onstage, I get another workout.
I do as many fun activities as possible. A lot of hiking, beach bike riding and walking. And cardio barre, which is a dance-based workout at a ballet barre. It's a full-body workout for one hour on Monday, Wednesday and Friday in a studio.
Hip hop classes and ballet are what I've been keeping up with, and of course my usual abdominal workout, which consists of 500 sit-ups a session. Or I take a 30-minute abs class at my gym. But dance classes are a full-body cardio workout, which always brings me success and keeps me feeling great.
I had started writing as a poet in a closed, post-Revival, claustrophobic world, where the shadows of the national upheaval and the intense effort - the intense self-conscious effort - to make a literary movement were still evident. Now we lived a life as writers that was more cosmopolitan, more open, that had more travel and exchange.
I used to suffer from stage fright, which at times was an ordeal. I won't perform live again. I'm going to do some TV shows and videos but nothing else... I don't like to travel too much or do concerts. I'm more of a studio and home girl.
Manipulate your diet until you find something that works for you. I think people get bogged down with trying to go to the gym and doing too much cardio and lifting too much weight. Really, if you're eating well and eating at the right times, and consuming the right things, it's really helpful.
My workout involves cardio, jogging, and yoga as well. I am a firm believer of yoga and meditation.
Manipulate your diet until you find something that works for you. And I think people get bogged down with trying to go to the gym and doing too much cardio and lifting too much weight. Really, if you're eating well and eating at the right times, and consuming the right things, it's really helpful. I do a lot of yoga. There's more and more guys getting into yoga these days, and I find that helps me as well.
My 'go to' workout is called the Asylum from Beach Body. It's intense training with lots of intervals, core work. It's hard! I travel a lot, so I can take it on the road with me and do it in a hotel room.
A lot of it comes from tiny things, like not eating barbecue sauce with my pizza at two in the morning. I think it's all a manifestation of being happy and wanting to treat myself well. The truth is, I'm not getting up an hour earlier and walking on a treadmill. I have the greatest workout partner in the world. And you don't need a gym membership for that kind of workout.
I'm a big believer in a balance of workouts - a well-balanced workout plan. Part of it is cardio, part strength training and then flexibility. You really need all three.
Whenever I'm near a body of water, I love to rent a kayak. It's easy to use, and you not only get a cardio workout but also do a vigorous upper-body workout, pushing and pulling your paddle through the water.
I started taking classes and doing things that I had always wanted to do but couldn't because I was working. I signed up for a bunch of workout classes, and to my surprise, I realized I was enjoying it. Because I was working out so much, I started looking for more workout clothes and found a lot of redundancy - predictability that was uninspired. That's when I decided to start my own line.
I love a mix of kickboxing, gym, yoga, Pilates, horse riding, and dancing. I also do skinny rappelling, which is a quick cardio workout with music and lighting, so it's fun.
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