A Quote by Cynthia Dill

In Maine, nobody is required to belong to a union or pay dues. — © Cynthia Dill
In Maine, nobody is required to belong to a union or pay dues.
Whenever someone forces me to do something against my will, they're infringing upon my freedoms and my liberties. And that's what I think we're doing in Maine when we have fair share, which means that you are required to belong to a union, you're required to pay dues, but you don't want to participate.
Third box car, midnight train, destination Bangor, Maine. Old worn out suit and shoes, I don't pay no union dues.
My preference is that employees pay their union dues, but what I also get is that I'd rather someone be in the union than not in the union.
People who put money in the church basket and people who go to church and pay the pastor: that isn't real philanthropy; that's just like you belong to a country club. You pay your dues to belong to that church, so you pay your tithing or whatever it is.
The structure that is currently in place, inside government, forcing government employees to pay union dues, even if they don't want to be in a union -- that is fundamentally unconstitutional and it is against the American system of freedom of choice.
Many blue-collar families struggling to pay rent would be happy to skip paying optional union dues.
Some might say I didn't pay enough of my dues, and I think I've paid my dues.
When E! ended the show, it wasn't because it was low-rated. It was because E! did not want to pay union rerun dues.
What you want is for music to love you back. That's why you pay your dues. You want to feel like you belong and are part of this symbiosis, metamorphosis, whatever you want to call it.
For 200 years, the dominant powers have also been the colonial powers: the European countries, the U.S. and Japan. They have never been required to pay their dues for what they did to those whom they possessed and treated with contempt.
Actors and writers need to come back to the theater because it's a place where you can learn. You have to pay your dues, and people who haven't paid their dues in the theater, I think, have a hard time creating a whole career.
Actors and writers need to come back to the theater because it's a place where you can learn. You have to pay your dues; and people who haven't paid their dues in the theater, I think, have a hard time creating a whole career.
The unions claim the deck is stacked against them when it comes to labor laws, but the truth is many private and public sector workers are forced to pay union dues as a condition of their employment, yet they have little say in how the unions spend their money.
I can act. I've been acting for a long time, but like anything else, don't nobody owe you nothing. You've go to pay your dues. You go from A to Z; you don't go from M to Z.
Today, for many people, being a union member simply means paying dues, but in the early days there were so few of us that if a majority of the members were not active, the union ceased to exist.
Nobody's going to step in and dump a lot of money and make it easy. Unless you have a lot of money, you have to pay your dues and make a personal sacrifice.
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