A Quote by Cynthia Payne

I think all old folk's homes should have striptease. If I ran one I'd have a striptease every week. — © Cynthia Payne
I think all old folk's homes should have striptease. If I ran one I'd have a striptease every week.
Advertising is an environmental striptease for a world of abundance.
I hate people doing an emotional striptease. It's never genuine or they wouldn't drag outsiders m.
I have grown up watching films like 'Striptease' and 'Ghost,' and here I was in the same frame as the gorgeous Demi Moore.
Origami Striptease reads like William S. Burroughs and Djuna Barnes howling at a brutal paper moon.
Sequencing - the careful striptease by which you reveal information to the reader - matters in an article, but it is absolutely essential to a book.
For as long as I care to remember, religion, like the striptease, has always been a display of the power of suggestion. Like the Virgin Birth, it has all too often supported an immaculate deception.
There is nudity, of course striptease is an essential component of burlesque but it's much more complex and intelligent than a display of nudity for nudity itself. And its often laugh-out-loud funny.
Sometimes, particularly in summers in New York, I have tried to write in shorts or with no shirt on and found myself unable to do so, the reason being, I take it, that writing, even of the most impersonal sort, is for me a divestment, a striptease, even, so that if I start off undressed, I have nowhere to go.
Approaching the stove, she would don a voluminous apron, toss some meat on a platter, empty a skillet of its perfectly cooked a point vegetables, sprinkle a handful of chopped parsley over all, and then, like a proficient striptease artist, remove the apron, allowing it to fall to the floor with a shake of her hips.
When we shot the first series of Aerobic Striptease, we shot five DVD's, so we slowly put out each DVD and timed it out that they were all done and shot and ready to go. We just started shooting the next series once we felt it was time to work on the next one.
Every week, Dennis Day sang an old Irish folk song. And next day in the fields, I'd be singing that song if I was working in the fields.
A traveling show visited a country town and one of the acts was advertised as a striptease. A small boy begged his mother for a quarter to buy a ticket, but the mother refused, telling her son that if he went to that show he would see something awful. Well, the boy sneaked in the show and the first thing he saw was something awful - his own dad sitting on the front row.
As I ran out of grandparents at the age of 16, the only time I ever see old folk is when I'm over-taking them on a motorway, they're in my audience laughing at filth, or in any park.
I saw an article where the manager of the Pussycat Dolls, which is kind of this like striptease band, girl band, said, oh well, the girls are totally third-wave feminist. This is what third-wave feminism is about. Like you don't get to use that word. You don't get to say that something is feminist as a way to sell back sexism to women, as a way to further consumerist ideas.
[If homes belongs to couples or roommates]: I think homes should reflect the individuals and their individual taste rather than someone else's.
The only reason a road is good as every wanderer knows / Is just because of the homes, the homes, the homes to which one goes
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