A Quote by Da'Vine Joy Randolph

I totally think that the likelihood upon this whole galaxy and universe, we are the only ones... I don't think we are. — © Da'Vine Joy Randolph
I totally think that the likelihood upon this whole galaxy and universe, we are the only ones... I don't think we are.
I totally think that the likelihood upon this whole galaxy and universe, we are the only ones...I don't think we are. Just please don't get into details (laughing) that's when you lose me a little bit. It's probably fear, because of how media has painted alien life. Very few of them are friendly, outside of E.T. I think it's that fear of, "No, no, please don't come and take over our world or blow up our planet, and kill me."
Our sun is one of a 100 billion stars in our galaxy. Our galaxy is one of billions of galaxies populating the universe. It would be the height of presumption to think that we are the only living thing in that enormous immensity.
The reality is that we know that this universe, that our galaxy, has billions of stars. We know that stars have planets. So the likelihood that there is life somewhere else to me is just absolutely there.
Here's what I think. I think that a lot of days, for me recently, it's like every split second the whole universe is created and destroyed. It's like constantly collapsing and reforming. And I think a lot of people feel that. I think that love is the answer and that's the only thing that matters.
While the Copernican principle comes with no guarantees that it will forever guide us to cosmic truths, it's worked quite well so far: not only is Earth not in the center of the solar system, but the solar system is not in the center of the Milky Way galaxy, the Milky Way galaxy is not in the center of the universe, and it may come to pass that our universe is just one of many that comprise a multiverse. And in case you're one of those people who thinks that the edge may be a special place, we are not at the edge of anything either.
The only obsession everyone wants: 'love.' People think that in falling in love they make themselves whole? The Platonic union of souls? I think otherwise. I think you're whole before you begin. And the love fractures you. You're whole, and then you're cracked open.
An ignorant man believes that the whole universe only exists for him: as if nothing else required any consideration. If, therefore, anything happens to him contrary to his expectation, he at once concludes that the whole universe is evil. If, however, he would take into consideration the whole universe, form an idea of it, and comprehend what a small portion he is of the Universe, he will find the truth. There are many ... passages in the books of the prophets expressing the same idea.
In pop music, people take a stand. When you look at a Beyonce or a Kendrick Lamar, they are going to tell you what they think. And audiences totally get it. They totally love it, and they are totally hungry for it. But in our conservatory training, I think it's a little lacking.
Whenever I saw the sun, I reminded myself that I was looking at a star. One of over a hundred billion in our galaxy. A galaxy that was just one of billions of other galaxies in the observable universe. This helped me keep things in perspective.
The Universe totally supports every thought I choose to think and to believe. I have unlimited choices about what I think. I choose balance, harmony, and peace, and I express it in my life.
I love to think of the whole universe together as one eternal fact. I love to think that everything is alive; that crystallization is itself a step toward joy. I love to think that when a bud bursts into blossom: it feels a thrill. I love to have the universe full of feeling and full of joy, and not full of simple dead, inert matter, managed by an old bachelor for all eternity.
Of course I believe in aliens. I think it's very egocentric to think that there's nothing else with intelligence in the whole universe.
Every little bit, every atom inside the universe, is in a constant state of change and motion, but the universe as a whole is unchangeable, because motion or change is a relative thing; we can only think of something in motion in comparison with something which is not moving.
I think only an idiot can be an atheist. We must admit that there exists an incomprehensible power or force with limitless foresight and knowledge that started the whole universe going in the first place.
To think the universe is only composed of the physical universe is to be rather shortsighted.
I believe that the universe is one being, all its parts are different expressions of the same energy... parts of one organic whole.... (This is physics, I believe, as well as religion.) The parts change and pass, or die, people and races and rocks and stars; none of them seems to me important in itself, but only the whole. This whole is in all its parts so beautiful, and is felt by me to be so intensely in earnest, that I am compelled to love it, and to think of it as divine.
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