A Quote by Dale Steyn

I have four dogs - Sadi, a Retriever, and Oscar, Ruby and Bella, who are Yorkies. — © Dale Steyn
I have four dogs - Sadi, a Retriever, and Oscar, Ruby and Bella, who are Yorkies.

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My children are all doing just fine. The mountain dogs are great in this weather. The yorkies are freezing.
There is something about the human condition. I don't think dogs are like "If only I was a poodle instead of a golden retriever, I'd be totally happy." Dogs are happy with who they are.
I've been surrounded by dogs my whole life. I got a golden retriever a year after I was born.
Behold the Drojim Palace," King Urgit said extravagantly to Sadi, "the hereditary home of the House of Urga." "A most unusual structure, You Majesty," Sadi murmured. "That's a diplomatic way to put it." Urgit looked critically at his palace. "It's gaudy, ugly, and in terribly bad taste. It does, however, suit my personality almost perfectly.
I have my golden retriever now, Pontiac. He's a career-change guide dog from Guide Dogs for the Blind.
I like dogs Big dogs Little dogs Fat dogs Doggy dogs Old dogs Puppy dogs I like dogs A dog that is barking over the hill A dog that is dreaming very still A dog that is running wherever he will I like dogs.
I tried to concentrate on the angel's voice instead. "Bella, please! Bella, listen to me, please, please, please, Bella, please!" he begged. Yes, I wanted to say. Anything. But I couldn't find my lips. "Carlisle!" the angel called, agony in his perfect voice. "Bella, Bella, no, oh please, no, no!" And the angel was sobbing tearless, broken sobs. The angel shouldn't weep, it was wrong. I tried to find him, to tell him everything was fine, but the water was so deep, it was pressing on me, and I couldn't breathe.
I wish i'd hurt him I didn't do any damage at all-Bella I can fix that-edward I was hoping you would say that-bella there was a slight pause "that doesn't sound like you what did he do"-edward he kissed me-bella all i heard on the other end of the line was the sound of an engine accelerating
Bella: How could I live with myself when it’s my fault? None of you should be risking yourselves for me – Jasper: Bella, Bella, stop. You’re worrying all the wrong things, Bella. Trust me on this – none of us are in jeopardy… Our family is strong. Our only fear is losing you. Bella: But why should you – Alice: It’s been almost a century that Edward’s been alone. Now he’s found you. You can’t see the changes that we see, we who have been with him for so long. Do you think any of us want to look into his eyes for the next hundred years if he loses you?
I hope to see Ruby help every programmer in the world to be productive, and to enjoy programming, and to be happy. That is the primary purpose of Ruby language.
Ruby Wax has basically ruined my career. You'll see when you watch the programme. I get more intimate with Ruby than I've ever been with another woman.
Edward: Bella, please stop taking your clothes off! Bella: Why? Did you wanna do that part?
I never thought of myself as being a genius. I don't know what genius is. I think a far better expression is a retriever, a lovely strong golden retriever that brings things back from the past, or retrieves things from our common blood memory
I like dogs. You always know what a dog is thinking. It has four moods. Happy, sad, cross and concentrating. Also, dogs are faithful and they do not tell lies because they cannot talk.
I have four dogs, four horses, a cat, and a bunch of wild frogs.
I have four dogs, four horses, a cat, and a bunch of wild frogs
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