A Quote by Dan Bilzerian

Anything that we can do to help men be more confident, I think that's going to be a net positive. — © Dan Bilzerian
Anything that we can do to help men be more confident, I think that's going to be a net positive.
Water is our next great environmental challenge. It is the new oil. How are we going to preserve this sport unless we are designing and maintaining golf courses that are energy net zero, carbon net zero and water net zero? Or ideally, energy positive, carbon positive and water positive, where they are taking out more than they are using.
I think football is a lifestyle more than anything. It's how you eat, it's how you sleep, it's how you conduct yourself. It's just everything you do you have to keep in mind, is this going to help or have a positive impact on how my practice is going to be, how my workout is going to be, how the game is going to be.
Think about how you are going to feel if you eat the healthy food, how you are going to look in a bikini next summer or in skinny jeans. Think about feeling strong, healthy, confident. You'll be more confident in the bedroom, more confident at the office.
I think automation will eliminate certain types of jobs - lower income, lower-skilled jobs in manufacturing. But nobody knows whether it's going to change the job basket of the 21st century, or be net positive, or net negative.
One of the dangers about net-net investing is that if you buy a net-net that begins to lose money your net-net goes down and your capacity to be able to make a profit becomes less secure. So the trick is not necessarily to predict what the earnings are going to be but to have a clear conviction that the company isn't going bust and that your margin of safety will remain intact over time.
You might think the thinner version of yourself is going to be the most positive or confident, but that's not how it is for me. When I'm over 200 pounds, that's when I'm the most confident version of myself.
I think when you look at the NFL, I think people try to highlight the negative things. So, I think anything that brings a positive light to our game and to the men that go out here and sacrifice and put their bodies on the line and still use their free time to give back and help other people out, I think that's what it's about.
When you think positively, you attract positive people. If I'm on a mission to be successful, and I'm positive all the time, then more positive people will come around me, and we'll help each other. If you're negative, you'll find yourself surrounded by negative people.
I think what makes a woman naturally more beautiful is when she starts believing in herself and starts getting more confident because you can have the most expensive makeup, you can get a lot of services done, but if deep inside you're still not happy and confident, that's going to show.
There are a lot more shots coming at the net and guys are just shooting it at the net because they have more time and pucks are going in off legs and feet and shoulders and heads, so you might have to play out a little further on the shot and hope it hits you.
A lot of people get writer's block, and I think you just have to show up for work, sit down, and be like, 'I'm here.' You have to stay confident and positive that you're going to write something.
I think if there's anything that can help fat kids get out of the house and anybody to move, it's a positive thing.
Are men intimated by sexually confident women, you ask? I think men are intimated by any woman who says they are sexually confident, at no matter what age.
With acting, I think half of it is just acting confident. We stand on these red carpets and pose in these dresses, but we're all only so confident. It doesn't mean we think we're great looking or anything. It's all a façade.
When you engage in systematic, purposeful actin, using and stretching your abilities to the maximum, you cannot help but feel positive and confident abut yourself.
I really think, if anything, there is more evidence to show that the violent games reduce aggression and violence. There have actually been some studies about that, that it's cathartic. If you go to QuakeCon and you walk by and you see the people there [and compare that to] a random cross section of a college campus, you're probably going to find a more peaceful crowd of people at the gaming convention. I think it’s at worst neutral and potentially positive.
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