A Quote by Dan Buettner

Eat your vegetables, have a positive outlook, be kind to people, and smile. — © Dan Buettner
Eat your vegetables, have a positive outlook, be kind to people, and smile.
Burgers and fries are an American staple. On the same token, my kids eat vegetables, and they always have eaten vegetables. They didn't have a choice but to eat vegetables.
I eat healthier than you think. I eat grains and vegetables when I'm home - and I eat in courses. My wife, Lori, thinks it's because I don't want foods to touch. That's not it. If you eat courses, you slow down your meal and eat less. It's a trick I picked up in France as a kid.
I think going public should not be a goal and the more that we make it a goal, the less it will be a goal. It's kind of like, I have three young children and when I tell them to eat vegetables, the last thing they will ever do is eat vegetables. I think it's just this weird thing where entrepreneurs have a reflexive negative reaction when people are pushing for it. I think you have to view going public for what it is, which is a transitional moment where you can consolidate mindshare and win at an even larger scale.
I grew up in a condition where I could have chosen to go either way, negatively or positively. So I kind of chose to go positive and that stayed with me through my life, always have to have a positive outlook on whatever situation there is
I like to eat Wheaties Fuel for breakfast with fresh fruit and egg whites. For lunch, I like to eat my wife's 'homerun chicken,' which is chicken, rice and vegetables, and for dinner I eat grilled steak or a couple of chicken breasts with rice and vegetables. During the day, I drink OhYeah! protein shakes as a snack.
If we don't want to eat vegetables, we don't eat 'em. If the left want to eat vegetables, they want everybody else to do what they do and not do what they don't do.
I eat 6 or 7 raw vegetables every day, 4 or 5 pieces of fresh fruit. I eat egg whites each day. If I eat bread, it has to be whole wheat. I eat brown rice. I don't eat between meals. I eat at 11 o'clock in the morning and 7 o'clock at night.
To develop intuition, one of the things you can do is pay attention to what you eat. Eat as clean a diet as you can. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables without preservatives, without alcohol, caffeine, dyes, and organically grown if possible. But do what is comfortable for your. Don't try to shift into a lifestyle that doesn't fit, but be aware that the lighter you eat the lighter you will feel.
It's not a natural process, 'American Idol,' but it does great things for the people that are on that show. If you don't walk away from it with some kind of positive outlook or find an opportunity to come from it, then I feel like that's a choice.
I hate eating vegetables. The only vegetables I eat are lettuce on a burger.
I am not a vegetarian. I subscribe to my own mantra: eat less, move more, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, don't eat too much junk food, and enjoy what you eat. Or, to summarise: eat less, eat better, move more, and get political.
Eat food. Eat actual food. I try to not eat anything processed or sugar-free - I eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
When I was a kid, everybody loved Hulk Hogan, right? 'Eat your vitamins. Eat your vegetables.' Everybody over 25 hated him because he was corny, right?
I truly believe in positive synergy, that your positive mindset gives you a more hopeful outlook, and belief that you can do something great means you will do something great.
I was attracted to the positive outlook on women especially exploring relationships with different people and being confident and comfortable and strong. That was the kind of thing that was appealing to me, because that's what's real, and that's honest, and it's nothing to be ashamed of. That's what single women do.
If you are surrounded by people who not only don't believe in your goals and your positive outlook on life, but who also continually try to tear you down, it will be extremely challenging for you to hold firmly in mind that you will succeed and that you can be happy.
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