A Quote by Dan Stevens

The comfort zone is the great enemy to creativity; moving beyond it necessitates intuition, which in turn configures new perspectives and conquers fears. — © Dan Stevens
The comfort zone is the great enemy to creativity; moving beyond it necessitates intuition, which in turn configures new perspectives and conquers fears.
The comfort zone is the great enemy of courage and confidence.
Strategy making needs to function beyond the boxes to encourage the informal learning that produces new perspectives and new combinations... Once managers understand this, they can avoid other costly misadventures caused by applying formal techniques, without judgement and intuition, to problem solving.
I go by intuition. Work-wise, that means asking myself if a role will push me outside my comfort zone, challenge me to learn something new.
Leaders should get out of their comfort zone but stay in their strength zone. When their work lies within their natural gifting and strengths, leaders experience the greatest return in productivity and contentment. Life is too short to live in the comfort zone, where growing and accomplishing and achieving your potential takes a back seat. I suggest you refocus if the comfort zone is your leadership priority.
If someone is depressed they tend to retreat within the inner circle of their comfort zone which in the longer term, may contribute to exacerbating a problem rather than soothing it and if not seeking to expand the comfort zone becomes the norm.
Here's an equation I want you to remember for the rest of your life: CZ = WZ. It means your "comfort zone" equals your "wealth zone." By expanding your comfort zone, you will expand the size of your income and wealth zone.
A comfort zone can be a mental state:Belief in God is a lot of peoples's comfort zone. Dont get me wrong, I'm not knocking faith; I just dont think you should have it because it makes you feel safe. I think you should have it because you do. Because somewhere deep inside you, you know beyond equivocating that something greater, wiser and infinitely more loving than we're capable of understanding has a vested interested in the universe, in the way things turn out. Because you can feel that, as much as the forces of darkness might try to gain the upper hand, there is an Upper Hand.
I'm so happy that I ventured out beyond the Royal Ballet - which is my home, and I love it - but I would never have pushed myself outside of my comfort zone.
Whenever you move to a new atmosphere, the first few days are difficult. But I always felt that an actor needs to move out of his comfort zone and experience different working environments. And that's why I was looking at moving out of my own comfort zones and work with different kinds of people. It helps you grow as an actor.
Comfort is the enemy of creativity.
You should not remain in your comfort zone; if you want to make it big, you must challenge yourself, get out of your comfort zone, and succeed in doing well outside of your comfort areas.
I want to push myself to be brave and out of my comfort zone, but I guess I stay in my comfort zone knowing I have my family close by.
One of my biggest fears, in both my personal and business life, is residing too long in my comfort zone.
I guess my comfort zone as a writer is diametrically opposed to my comfort zone as a human being.
Electronic music right now is in its comfort zone, and it's not moving one inch.
Greatness begins beyond your comfort zone.
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