A Quote by Daniel Bryan

People have said to me, 'It must be nice to prove so many people wrong,' but I've never really cared about proving anything to anybody else. — © Daniel Bryan
People have said to me, 'It must be nice to prove so many people wrong,' but I've never really cared about proving anything to anybody else.
My father once said there's a correlation between a nation's cuisine and its people: England, nice people, nasty food; France, nice food, nasty people; Spain, nice people, nasty food; Italy, nice people, nice food; and Germany, nasty food, nasty people. And I've always thought that there must be something terribly wrong with the German character - and that there is, really.
I'm not going to worry about proving people wrong. My goal isn't to prove people wrong. You can't worry about what other people say.
We never really cared about all the things that other people cared about, you know? Like, people recognizing me on the street never interested me. I've always been kind of suspicious of the world, anyway, so it's pretty easy for me to live in my own little world.
I wouldn't tell you anything about anybody I cared about because it becomes entertainment for other people, and it sort of just cheapens everything in your life. I would never tell you if I was dating anybody.
When it comes to relationships, it's nice to have something that is your own and not everyone else's. That's not part of my job. I never stood up on a podium and said, 'Vote for me - I'm perfect. I'll be this for you and never do anything wrong.
When it comes to relationships, it's nice to have something that is your own and not everyone else's. That's not part of my job. I never stood up on a podium and said, 'Vote for me - I'm perfect. I'll be this for you and never do anything wrong.'
For me, It's not necessarily about proving people wrong, but proving to myself that I can do it my way and still win.
I don't really care what anybody thinks about me, never have, but I know a lot of people that do. And for me being a black man in America, if it's wrong I'm gonna say it's wrong.
I don' really care what people think. I don't really have to prove anything to anybody. I just have to prove stuff to my teammates.
In terms of success and drive, I think some people are born with it, sometimes certain circumstances push you towards success... trying to prove people wrong. I'm not exactly sure where mine comes from, but, I have this thing inside of me that, when someone tells me that I can't do something, I become obsessed with proving them wrong. It's a weird thing.
When I started out in the profession, it was definitely about proving that I was worthy, but after achieving a certain amount of success, I realized I didn't have to prove anything to anybody.
Many people resented my impatience and honesty, but I never cared about acceptance as much as I cared about respect.
I'm going to keep proving people wrong because I have a lot of people to prove wrong, a lot of doubters.
For a while there I wasn't sure that anybody cared about being the best at anything, and it's nice to have a group of guys that feel like we're doing it for the cause. Maybe we're just really young and naive for thinking music can matter, but it does to us.
It's all about proving it on the track and proving to people that have different views wrong.
Do I really need to prove anything to anybody? I don't feel that I have to prove anything. The only thing that I have to prove is to myself, that I have value.
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