A Quote by Daniel Radcliffe

My idea of relaxation is not lying down by a beach. I have to move around, do stuff. Though I'm a massive quiz show person. — © Daniel Radcliffe
My idea of relaxation is not lying down by a beach. I have to move around, do stuff. Though I'm a massive quiz show person.
I think what HQ Trivia's done is taken the old-school idea of a trivia show - a quiz show - which has been around since the dawn of television, even radio, and made it a participatory event versus a spectator sport.
The percentage of gays is the same, probably, as anywhere. Most bodybuilders are straight, regular street guys, though a lot aren't serious. Many in California are punks, beach bums just lying around in the sun and maybe collecting unemployment.
Because of the amount of press attention, people went to see this dirty bed, as if it was a freak show. But when they got there, they saw something else - the bed, stuff on the walls, whatever. For the Tate, it's the highest attendance they ever received for the Turner Prize show. There was a massive queue, and when you got into my bit, you couldn't move.
My favorite thing in the world is a quiz show, 'University Challenge,' so you can see what kind of sad person I am.
I'm 57 years old, and I host a quiz show every single day. I got asked in a recent interview, did I feel that hosting a quiz show helps keep my brain sharp? And I asked - would you ask Stephen Fry that question, who is exactly the same age as me? Somehow, I'm managing to stand up and stay cogent despite my incredible age.
Nowadays, all the people who are major are just DJs. The lighting and all that makes the show - without all of that stuff, it's just a person behind a laptop. With me, though, it's an actual show.
The World's Smallest Political Quiz is responsible for many Americans' first contact with libertarian ideas. While traveling around the country, I have often heard people say, 'I never knew I was a libertarian until I took the Quiz!'
My parents would drive us to Florida every spring in this big old, rusy Suburban, and we'd collect stuff on the beach for our aquarium back in Ohio; we had this big saltwater aquarium back in Ohio. Every time we found anything, any mollusk, my mom would bring out the guidebook and quiz us on what it was, so that stuff was built in early.
People want to see me back in the ring. I think it is more of a drag lying around on the beach.
I'm not a really big comic book person. I know the typical ones - 'Spider-Man' and 'Wonder Woman' and 'Storm' and that stuff. But don't quiz me, because I'm not good at things like that.
I'm hosting a quiz show, but I never considered myself a game show host.
I don't like lying around on the beach. I like to be busy.
Dee Dee Ramone was the one who would go to Rockaway Beach, and he wrote that great song about it. He was the beach boy; he loved getting a tan and stuff, and he would ride the bus down Woodhaven Boulevard to Rockaway.
I quiz all year. 'The Chase' is just a medium sized part of my quiz life.
I'm surrounded by the beach, so I love to fish and to dive and to swim. I walk a lot, and I bike around. I hang out at the beach, really, and muck around.
At the time, I didn't have the insight to wonder at the transient nature of despair, but now that I'm older I've seen how little it takes to turn a person's life around for better or worse. An event will do, or an Idea. Another person. An idea of a person.
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