A Quote by Danny Fox

Other people's songs can inspire me, though - I always have music on when I'm painting. — © Danny Fox
Other people's songs can inspire me, though - I always have music on when I'm painting.

Quote Author

Danny Fox
Born: May 29, 1986
I always see my songs in colors, and I'm often more inspired by movies and photographs than I am by other songs when I write my music. I'm also inspired by fashion, and I want my music to be a visual painting of what's in my mind.
I always hope that my music can inspire someone, the same way other artists inspire me.
We're always trying to outdo ourselves, trying to do better, trying to write better songs. I think we want to inspire other people as well, so that's what we'll try to do through future songs.
My aim is always catchy songs, or songs with meaning and I want to write music people can relate to, about things anyone could go through, just real, honest music... songs that mean something, songs that are inspired by true life events.
My music is more than me writing a flashy soul song. They're heartfelt songs about my family and true stories. I have also songs that aren't personal, but just painting a picture. I don't like being put under labels, but my music is going to continue to stay classic and timeless forever.
There are two things that really move me: music and acting. And I'm not talking about my music or watching myself as an actor, but listening to other people's music and watching other actors. There are so many different songs that have moved me. It all depends upon the mood that I'm in at that moment.
I think I have the capability to make music different from what I have already released. There are ghazals and other songs that I can create. There is no stopping me though.
All I ever wanted to do was music, and all I've ever asked, as I've gotten to know and discover the world more, is that God would use me in any way to encourage and inspire love and inspire people to bring and give love to each other.
When people told me that I couldn't do something, I wanted to always prove them wrong. That comes a lot from people always bullying me because of my size and not thinking that I could do anything to impact the world or inspire other people.
I remember listening to the radio as a kid and finding that the songs always made me feel more peaceful. Funny, but the more hurtin' the music was, the better it made me feel. I think of that now when I write my songs. I may not be feelin' the blues myself, but I'm writing them for other people who have a hard life.
I'm not like other writers. I'm not hung up on using my own songs. In fact, my sister Bunny always tells me I sing other people's songs better than my own. She says I loosen up and give the songs a different feel.
Though the inspiration for my songs almost always comes from things that are happening around me, I am definitely not always the protagonist in the songs.
We all want to inspire! As we go on our life's journey, some people inspire us and in turn, we would like to do something to inspire other people.
Painting is traditional but for me that doesn't mean the academy. I felt a need to paint; I love painting. It was something natural - as is listening to music or playing an instrument for some people. For this reason I searched for themes of my era and my generation. Photography offered this, so I chose it as a medium for painting.
Growing up, I can remember singing along with my ma all of the time. I wouldn't say she necessarily 'taught' me how to sing, but she was definitely the first person to inspire me to sing and the first to intrigue me vocally. I've always had a natural ear for music, though.
The thing that separates Sophie from the music I do for other people is that it's 100% written by me. In the past, I've written my songs and then asked friends if they could record the vocals. I didn't want to use my own voice, because other people have much better voices. I was hearing the music with a voice that I don't have.
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