A Quote by Danny Welbeck

The teacher would say, 'Not everybody makes it as a footballer, so what do you want to be?' I'd say, 'A footballer.' The teacher would say, 'But not everybody makes it. So what do you want to be?' I'd say, 'A footballer.' Every year that happened! Nothing was going to get in the way of me being a footballer.
I don't call myself a women's footballer; I say I'm a footballer.
Maybe some people look at me and just see a footballer, or a black footballer. But I am much more than this. I tell my best friends all the time, 'If you look at me as a footballer, and not as Little Kouli, and not as your friend, then I have failed in life.'
[ Won the 2015 African Player of the Year]meant everything to me. It was the first time a footballer from Gabon was elected Africa's Footballer of the Year. Even for the Bundesliga, it was something no African player had ever achieved. It still makes me incredibly proud and the happiest person on the planet.
To any young kid who wants to be a footballer, I would simply say: Have fun playing football and enjoy the team - spirit. That's the right attitude; that will bring you pleasure and fulfillment in football. A baker cannot live on bread he made yesterday, and a footballer cannot live on his last game. It's about the here and now.
Celebrity culture, it's everywhere, isn't it? It's reality TV, Big Brother. I didn't become a footballer to be famous, I became a footballer to be successful. I didn't want to be famous. Now people want to be famous. Why? Why would you want people following you about all day?
I didn't become a footballer to be famous, I became a footballer to be successful. I didn't want to be famous. Now people want to be famous. Why? Why would you want people following you about all day? I couldn't think of anything worse.
If people want to say I seem too nice to be a footballer, that's good. It's just the way I am.
I'm a role model as a footballer and not as a politician. I want to see myself as a footballer. People respect me for my performances. That's why they support me, and I'm very thankful for that. But I'm not a politician.
I just loved kicking a ball but I was determined to be a footballer and I wanted a professional contract, I would go to any professional club to get one. From 15, all I wanted was to be a footballer.
There would be no debate about who was the best footballer the world had ever seen - me or Pele. Everyone would say me.
It's difficult to say what I would be doing if I wasn't a footballer, but I probably would have sold coal like my father. Studying was never my thing, and I would surely have ended up working with my dad.
My dad was not a footballer. He wasn't anything remotely what the average person would say was a role model - but in my eyes he was Superman.
My Dad is finally proud of me. He always wanted me to be a footballer. He is a football hooligan, a true obsessive, if I had been born on match day he would not have been at the hospital, so for me to be able to at least pretend to be a footballer, means I'm finally allowed home at Christmas.
I've played football with George Best, the greatest footballer that ever lived. That doesn't make me a footballer. And I've sung a duet with Pavarotti. That doesn't make me an opera singer. I can write and I have a story to tell, but I'm not going to make a career out of it.
Of course I want to keep playing; that's the best thing for any footballer. But I'm looking forward to not having to put my body through the pain, I have to say.
For me, the best thing about being a footballer is that indescribable feeling when you are on a pitch doing your job. I don't know what to say - it's what I love.
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