A Quote by Darby Stanchfield

From a personal standpoint, playing someone judged negatively by her friends is not difficult. — © Darby Stanchfield
From a personal standpoint, playing someone judged negatively by her friends is not difficult.
We were friends for a year before we started playing music together. We both think it's pretty important. Tyler's my friend before he's a guy in my band, and when we talk to each other about things, it comes from a friend standpoint, not just a business standpoint.
The English judged a person so that they'd be justified in casting her out. The Amish judged a person so that they'd be justified in welcoming her back. Where I'm from, if someone is accused of sinning, it's not so that others can place blame. It's so that the person can make amends and move on.
The questions of traditional and redefined marriage are highly emotional and a difficult and sensitive topic. Living in the D.C. area and having gay friends and colleagues, I find the topic difficult to discuss and sometimes even difficult write about for fear that I will be judged.
I met a woman who went through a very difficult personal crisis, and she was really bed-ridden for a long time, and 'Friends' got her through. I met a woman who had a brain injury while living in Europe, and 'Friends' got her through.
You're moving a franchise. You're leaving one city and going to another, which is difficult from a fan standpoint, from a fan-base standpoint, but you have to take care of the detail things. As you go through that step-by-step process, from my standpoint, my job is to keep in mind the player needs.
I want someone who will love me for the person I am and not because of my status. It has to be someone who understands the pressure of playing for India. It will be very difficult to be with a person who has her own career because someone has to make sacrifices for the family and house.
I've been close friends with Katy since teenagers, before she was Katy Perry. She's always been a great resource for me to pull from and watch - from her choice of how public she wants to be about her personal life on down. I also watched her develop from the coffee-house singer-songwriter I knew to her be to playing arenas and killing it.
It's harder to do anything in the public eye now, in terms of if you're worried about scrutiny or being judged negatively. It's not as much of a free ride. If you're someone who's making film or TV or music, or any kind of art form now, there's a billion outlets, and they all have an opinion.
I think 'GoodFellas' is just a perfect film. From an efficiency of storytelling standpoint, from an entertainment standpoint, from a performance standpoint, from a use of music standpoint, from a cinematography and editing standpoint - to me, it's just a perfect movie.
I'm a big proponent of playing all sports when you're growing up. I think they all help you from a competitiveness standpoint to a movement standpoint. Certainty with tennis, you get the lateral quickness more than anything.
We had built up a team in Edmonton that really knew who each other was from a personal standpoint and from a professional standpoint. Our nucleus had stayed together for a long time.
I don't want my children growing up in a world where they think that their heritage and skin colour could be judged negatively.
It may...be judged indecent in me to come forward on this occasion; but when I see a fellow-creature about to perish through the cowardice of her pretended friends, I wish to be allowed to speak, that I may say what I know of her character.
Jackie Joyner-Kersee is actually someone I have a personal relationship with and who continues to do amazing things in her community. I continue to be inspired by her. If I can emulate myself after someone it's her and I just hope to have that effect on my community and continue to go on to do things like she has.
I remember playing with some friends and being aware that I was acting as I was playing with them - I would think of a character and pretend to be someone else.
The only time the private parts of someone's life are relevant is when they're affecting public performance. And just because someone is a public person doesn't mean that any part of his or her private life is open to scrutiny. If someone is doing his or her job, you have to have enough empathy to understand that we all have personal problems.
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