A Quote by Daryl Davis

Always keep the lines of communication open with your adversaries. — © Daryl Davis
Always keep the lines of communication open with your adversaries.
I think it's important to have open lines of communication and I think the best lines of communication are two-way lines.
At times it seems as if you're a glorified babysitter with these guys, but they're all really good people. You just want to keep everybody happy. One of the biggest things is to keep the lines of communication open and just to keep everything running as smoothly as possible.
I am very close to my daughter, and I have always encouraged her to talk to me about anything and everything. I believe that as long as I keep the lines of communication open with her, I will always be able to give her proper direction, protection, and guidance.
Talking is always a good idea. There's no harm in keeping lines of communication open.
I've worked very hard in this book to keep the lines of communication open. I don't want to turn someone away from this information for partisan political reasons.
We intend to keep the lines of communication open with the Defense Department so we can help our border law enforcement agencies navigate the equipment application process.
I have always tried to keep an honest, age-appropriate line of communication open with my daughter,India, even during the teen years, a painful time of development when they usually shut down, and the last person they want to speak to is a parent. But India would always tell me what was going on, so I really encourage people to be as open with your children as you possibly can.
Books are such a great way to spend time with your children, open lines of communication with your children, and just build that strong foundation.
Always have clear lines of communication and be open to trying new ideas. Being open to new ideas is crucial to growing as an artist. If you always have the same creative habits, how will you ever excel to the next level? The answer is, you won't. Taking those creative risks reaps the most incredible rewards.
We need state government to work efficiently and keep open lines of communication with local governments. We should listen to local leaders about their opportunities and challenges and let their innovation guide the way.
I just tell young people to find their way. Keep your eyes open. Keep your ears open and keep your heart open.
We try to keep a good line of communication open with our children. It's not always about trying to just teach them every moment, but it's about listening to them and trying to understand them and gain that sense of communication so when they need to talk to someone, they know that we're there.
Always, always powder your T-zone and the lines going from your nose down around your mouth so you don't look like a bulldog. When those areas are shiny, it's awful. And gloss will keep your lips from appearing dehydrated.
Perhaps because my relationship with my father went through such a long, bumpy time, it's been very important for me to work to try to keep lines of communication open between my sons and myself to try to avoid my father's mistakes. At least if you're making mistakes, make different mistakes.
Behind every open heart is a story. Tell yours with my Open Heart collection. There are millions of reasons to give one, but the message is always the same: Keep your heart open and love will always find its way in.
If you are approachable, if you keep your line of communication open, then very often, you get to hear what you need to hear.
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