A Quote by Dave Portnoy

We don't back down from controversy - we fan the fires. People think we go out of our way to create it, but we don't. — © Dave Portnoy
We don't back down from controversy - we fan the fires. People think we go out of our way to create it, but we don't.
I don't go out of the way to create controversies, I know some actresses pay their publicist money to create a controversy, but I don't know why this happens to me.
The organizers first job is to create the issues or problems, and organizations must be based on many issues. The organizer must first rub raw the resentments of the people of the community; fan the latent hostilities of many of the people to the point of overt expression. He must search out controversy and issues, rather than avoid them, for unless there is controversy people are not concerned enough to act. . . . An organizer must stir up dissatisfaction and discontent.
I think you don't do work for controversy alone, and whenever you do new work which people don't understand and they say it is done to create controversy.
I've done made a deal with the devil. He said he's going to give me an air-conditioned place when I go down there, if I go there, so I won't put all the fires out.
Controversy is always a beautiful thing. I love controversy and I try to fan it as much as I can without having my husband's head pop off!
We survive our way through basketball hoping the #? Lakers will survive and we hope for the #? Kings and for the #? Ducks and we want them all to succeed but if you are a true fan and especially if you are a #? Dodgers fan deep down inside you are saying please get out of the way, get off the stage, here come the DODGERS!
I think when you look at the NFL, I think people try to highlight the negative things. So, I think anything that brings a positive light to our game and to the men that go out here and sacrifice and put their bodies on the line and still use their free time to give back and help other people out, I think that's what it's about.
The only way to build a fan base is to have a lot of material out there for readers to find. You can't manufacture a fan base. You create it, one story at a time.
The people of Mississippi can't just go home, shut down their small business, shut down their restaurants, shut down their gyms... and just think that you can come back six weeks from now, flip a switch and everything's gonna be fine. That's not the way the economy works.
Stamping out fires is a lot of fun, but it is only putting things back the way they were.
If I decide to run I am gonna cherish senior citizens. Living in New York that's what I see is Democrats all over the place - are going to do is say it's attack on Medicare. And Medicare to a lot of people means seniors. And I honestly think you have to go down the line in a bipartisan way. You have to go down with the Democrats. I don't think they should be too far out in front.
I think that all actors find they go down and then they come back up if you work on your craft. They come back up to the top and then they go back down and they come back up and they go back down.
I gotta big mouth, I can't help it, I talk from my heart, I'm real, whatever comes comes. But my controversy problem, it's not my fault, I try to find my way in the world you know, I try to be somebody instead of just make money off of everybody. So I go down paths that haven't been traveled before and I usually mess up, but I learn, I come back stronger.
We're down in Mexico. It's for a bachelor party, so we go into a Mexican strip club... I go back with this woman down a murky hallway, and then without missing a beat - these ladies are all business - she goes, 'Go ahead, take out your dong.' 'I'm not taking out my dong. And by the way, who uses the word dong? If you want to be hip to the lingo, they're not using the word dong up in the States.
We need, from time to time, to use military force or all of the resources at our command in order to defend the nation and defend our friends. Sometimes, that requires us to take actions that generate controversy. I think there are probably some who actually believe, if we just go talk nice to these folks, everything is going to be OK. I don't think the world works that way.
As artists, we must not go down to the level of the masa; we should bring them up, intellectualize our languages, create classics out of our folk arts. We can do this if we are true to our roots and strive for excellence.
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