A Quote by David Cameron

You can be walking down the street for a chat, but until you've got the selfie out of the way, people aren't ready to talk. — © David Cameron
You can be walking down the street for a chat, but until you've got the selfie out of the way, people aren't ready to talk.
For me, if I was walking down the street and saw a politician, I'd cross the street and walk the other way intentionally, just to not have to talk to them.
Because I like people, when they come up to me in the street and want a chat and a selfie I'm very flattered. I do miss a lot of trains because of it!
God doesn't seem to talk to people like he used to. Who's he talking to now? I don't know. Then I'm walking down the street in Manhattan one day, and I realize maybe it's those guys you see walking down the street talking to themselves. You know, those guys that are like, 'I can't! No, I can't!' Maybe the other side of that conversation is God going, 'You're the new leader.' 'No I can't!' They're not crazy - they're reluctant prophets.
It sounds quite mad, but once I've got a show up and running, walking out on stage is the easiest part of my day. All I've got to do is talk until they laugh and then I stop, let them laugh and talk. It's a bit like meditation really.
My da used to sing 'Take Her Up to Monto' to me when we were walking down the street - he still does, actually - because it's got a walking tempo, and I still sing it to myself when I'm walking along.
I have to deal with people in weird ways. I was walking down the street and this woman walks up to me and she goes, 'You know, I think it's so inspirational that you're out.' I was like, 'I'm on my way to the liquor store. Are you inspired?'
I often talk to myself while walking down the street. I did it as a kid.
Mexico scares me. There's no law, there's wild dogs and people driving their ATVs down the street. I like to know I can walk down the street and not be arrested for something dumb and have to pay to get my way out.
If you're walking down the street in L.A., people do sort of look at you like you're a hooker because it's so rare to see someone just walking.
When I was younger, I'd be walking down the street and suddenly panic because I had a cool idea and no way of getting it down - I'd have to sing it all the way home. Now I can hum it into my phone.
Before 'Deadpool,' if I was walking on the street, some people would recognize for some project, and another person for a different project. But now, every time I'm walking down the street, people recognize me as the actor from 'Deadpool.'
I'm trying to phase out my availability on the phone. People call you when you're walking down the street and say the most random stuff.
I was a small business owner, father, and husband just living out in the suburbs. I kind of had a boring life until Post Secret came and turned that upside down. I printed up 3000 self-addressed postcards and handed them out to people on the street, inviting them to write down a secret on that postcard anonymously and mail it to me. I got a lot of surprises.
There are just some really beautiful people in the world. When you're walking down the street, or you're at a restaurant, someone catches your eye because they have their own look. It goes way beyond what they're wearing - into their mannerisms, the way they smile, or just the way they hold themselves.
I was walking down the street, and I found a man's hand in my pocket. I asked, "What do you want?" "A match" "Why didn't you ask me?" "I don't talk to strangers."
If I see LeBron walking down the street, it's not going to be no fistfight. I've got a lot of respect for him.
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