A Quote by David Hahn

Marketers can target Sponsored Updates to any segment of our premium audience based on professional profile data across more than 225 million members. — © David Hahn
Marketers can target Sponsored Updates to any segment of our premium audience based on professional profile data across more than 225 million members.
I was talking to one of the writers about our target audience, and he was insulted that I used that term. But if you're given $60 million to make a film, you'd better know who your target audience is. That's who's going to pay back the bills you run up.
With social media, one can target the audience and reach out to the segment in a very precise, cost-effective manner.
Definitely there's growing use of machine learning across Google products, both data-center-based services, but also much more of our stuff is running on device on the phone.
When I look at 225 million women who want contraceptives, and then I look at the 52 million unintended pregnancies that could be avoided by addressing this unmet need, where can we have the biggest impact with our voice, our dollars, our partners? It's on contraceptives. I would rather address the problem upstream.
It amazes me how people are often more willing to act based on little or no data than to use data that is a challenge to assemble.
Network selectively. Nothing says "business newbie" like shotgun networking. "You never know when someone might say yes" is marketing for dummies. Take the time to build a profile of your ideal customers, and target your networking activities to reach them. Speak to those who are already predisposed to want what you offer. Almost any profile is better than "anyone with a pulse."
In my view, our approach to global warming exemplifies everything that is wrong with our approach to the environment. We are basing our decisions on speculation, not evidence. Proponents are pressing their views with more PR than scientific data. Indeed, we have allowed the whole issue to be politicized-red vs blue, Republican vs Democrat. This is in my view absurd. Data aren't political. Data are data. Politics leads you in the direction of a belief. Data, if you follow them, lead you to truth.
I think everybody in news understands that the audience that watches for more than an hour is not your target audience - because those people are on life support.
The desire to collect information on customers is not new for Target or any other large retailer, of course. For decades, Target has collected vast amounts of data on every person who regularly walks into one of its stores.
Producing and distributing premium TV entertainment content is more 'global' now than at any point in the history of the business. World Screen does an excellent job in following the news, trends and key players. It's a must-read for those in the business of global TV and brings us that much closer to prospective buyers and distributors of our premium content.
We have 2 million users in the U.S. and about 13 million worldwide in more than 200 countries. We're getting 80,000 new users each day. And more than half a million people are connected via Skype at any given moment.
Standing up Global Services will accelerate our capabilities across all Boeing services and support areas - from our traditional parts, modifications, and upgrades business to strengthening our data analytics and information-based offerings.
We will have to become 'perpetual marketers', to learn to be channel and data planners without losing our human insight or creativity; to vastly increase the level of accountability and provide more relevant experiences for customers.
It doesn't take a lot of research to realize that the human eye is drawn to attractive things. So the better looking your LinkedIn profile is - meaning professional and complete - the more qualified you'll appear to your audience and the more interested people will be to check out your site.
Oddly enough, even though our show is structured around women, our target audience is women, I get more calls from men every night than women.
We've been delivering cloud-based services for over a decade, with more than 30 million Intuit customers using offerings across a variety of desktop and mobile devices. The benefits are clear: online experiences are simply better for customer.
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