A Quote by David Hasselhoff

And sometimes the hardest thing you can do is walk away.  But you got to.  And, when you do, it changes your life. — © David Hasselhoff
And sometimes the hardest thing you can do is walk away. But you got to. And, when you do, it changes your life.
Honestly, when you have a child your life changes so much. Like, the last three mornings, I haven't even had time to shower. That seems like it should be the easiest thing to do, but sometimes it's the hardest.
If you walk out of the house and you feel like you look good, it changes the way you walk into a room. It changes your attitude and it changes your vibe.
The hardest thing for me is walking. Can you imagine you've got a metal pole and if you put pressure on it like a strong walk, you can walk.
Whenever you read a book or have a conversation, the experience causes physical changes in your brain. It's a little frightening to think that every time you walk away from an encounter, your brain has been altered, sometimes permanently.
If our children are going to walk away from Christ, we need to raise them in such a way that they understand that to walk away from Jesus is to walk away from a life of faith, risk and adventure and to choose a life that boring, mundane and ordinary
The hardest thing in life is reinventing yourself and staying at the top of your game, whilst the hardest thing in football is finding that club you want to stay at.
One of the hardest decisions you'll ever face in life is choosing whether to walk away or try harder.
If it's a 50-seat theater, I am neurotic about whether I'm doing an honest performance. Sometimes I walk away happy enough with it. You know, it can always be better, but sometimes I'll walk away distraught, feeling like I missed the pulse of the character that evening.
The hardest thing to walk away from, over a long-form TV show, is the comradery of the company, both with the crew and the group of actors.
Sometimes you walk away from playing somebody and you think, "Wow that was far as from my own experience as I can possibly be." And sometimes you walk away thinking, "Wow. There are qualities in that character that I didn't realize I had." And those can be both interesting and uncomfortable.
en you show up to work and put on your undergarments, throw on your suspenders and your cowboy boots, throw some dirt on you, and then get on your spurs, you start to walk a bit different. When you put on your gun belts, you change again. You go through this whole transformation process. All that stuff changes you. Riding a horse changes the way you walk and your demeanor.
You've got one life, live it. Follow your dreams, quit your job, drop out of school, tell your boyfriend that he's lousy and walk out the door. This is your time. This is your life. You know what? Dream as big as you want to, its the cheapest thing you'll ever do.
Sometimes you have to stop trying to force it, walk away and let your subconscious show you the way. Fill up on life for a while.
I'm urging all women, I ask them the first time men hit you, please walk away. There is help out there. There are a lot of places that you can go and get help. That's the first step to your freedom and to your life is to walk away.
If anything in your life is more important than writing - anything at all - you should walk away now while you still can. Forewarned is forearmed. For those who cannot or will not walk away, you need only to remember this. Writing is life. Breathe deeply of it.
Sometimes...it's better for a man just to walk away. But if you can't walk away? I guess that's when it's tough.
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