A Quote by David Hasselhoff

If you're not in the game, you can't hit a home run. — © David Hasselhoff
If you're not in the game, you can't hit a home run.
In 1961 somebody could've hit a home run to win the game and the next day the headline was about the M&M boys not hitting a home run. But everyone was real good about it. Instead of getting mad they joked about it.
I've gotten stronger, but I don't ever try to hit home runs. I stay with the same approach, just hit line drives. If you get under one and it goes out, it's a home run, but I don't feel any pressure to hit home runs.
But this is the point I want to make: When you talk about steroids and you talk about what it means to the game, the three greatest home run hitters of all time-Hank Aaron, Babe Ruth and Willie Mays, right? When they were 39 years old, how many home runs do you think they averaged? The three greatest home run hitters of all time averaged 18 home runs at age 39. Now, how many home runs did Barry Bonds hit when he was 39? He hit 73!
When you're going into a game, you're not expected to hit a home run every game. You're just doing everything proper with proper swings.
If you can do that - if you run, hit, run the bases, hit with power, field, throw and do all other things that are part of the game - then you're a good ballplayer.
There is nothing like Ruth ever existed in this game of baseball. I remember we were playing the White Sox in Boston in 1919, and he hit a home run off Lefty Williams over the left-field fence in the ninth inning and won the game. It was majestic. It soared.
At the Home Run Derby, you're expected to hit home runs. You're up there trying to hit home runs.
When I hit a home run I usually didn't care where it went. So long as it was a home run was all that mattered.
If it comes it comes. But you can't look for a finish. If you look for a home run ball you'll never hit the home run; if you look for a goal you'll never get it but if you play the game, if you play football and the guy that's open gives you a pass and you score the goal, that's when you score. That's when you get all the goals.
I hit a home run in my first game, and they told me to go into the stands and pass my cap around. I made six dollars in nickels, dimes, and quarters.
The Clinton Foundation does nothing but donate to charities." They can't find any evidence that what Schweizer has written about the Clintons and their foundation and the fund-raising and the getting paid for speeches is wrong. They can't find anything where he's wrong. The book has not been "discredited." So [Donald] Trump delivers this massive speech. It hit home run after home run after home run.
I watched the guy that hits a home run, and he comes across the plate and he points skyward, like thanking for the help from the Almighty to hit the home run. And as he does that, I say to myself, 'God screwed the pitcher.' And I don't know how else you look at it.
It's not like you can aim for a home run and hit a home run.
I have power, but focus on the overall athletic event - the technique you have to execute before acquiring the knockout. You have to play the game before you hit a home run, right?
Yes, I was in that game where George Brett hit that home run. Billy saw there was too much pine tar on the bat and he went to the umpire, the next thing we knew they were fighting about it.
The first time I picked up a bat in a professional game, I hit a ball hard left-handed, and my first home run was so effortless, it surprised me.
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