A Quote by David Mitchell

A weapon men use against women is the refusal to take them seriously. — © David Mitchell
A weapon men use against women is the refusal to take them seriously.
A new study finds that women use their whole brain when listening and men only use half of their brain. You see, men use the other half of their brain to come up with excuses. I don't think women use their whole brain when listening. I think they use half of it and the other half is used to memorize what men are saying so they can use it against them 10 years later!
Our enemies are fully aware that they can use oil as a weapon against America. And if we don't take this threat as seriously as the bombs they build or the guns they buy, we will be fighting the War on Terror with one hand tied behind our back.
Drones are just another weapon, and they turn out to be a very effective weapon that puts no American troops at risk, and I don't see why we shouldn't use them against identified enemy targets.
I really wanted to support this campaign because I love heart shaped glasses. Seriously though, I've never hit anyone. I'm anti-violence full stop. Against women, against men, against animals. Against anything.
Prayers are to men as dolls are to children. They are not without use and comfort, but it is not easy to take them very seriously.
I wish you would stop and seriously consider, as a broad and long-term feminist political strategy, the conversion of women to a woman-identified and woman-directed sexuality and eroticism, as a way of breaking the grip of men on women's minds and women's bodies, of removing women from the chronic attachment to the primary situations of sexual and physical violence that is rained upon women by men, and as a way of promoting women's firm and reliable bonding against oppression. . . .
REFUSAL, n. Denial of something desired; Refusals are graded in a descending scale of finality thus: the refusal absolute, the refusal condition, the refusal tentative and the refusal feminine. The last is called by some casuists the refusal assentive.
No men who really think deeply about women retain a high opinion of them; men either despise women or they have never thought seriously about them.
I just love the idea of witches, in general. The whole concept of witches was to keep down the feminine rise in power that was happening, at the time. They created this concept of witches, so that they could burn women at the stake and keep them in their place, and now we've turned it around to empower women. That's very ironic. If they only knew that they created a weapon for us to use against them.
Sin is a refusal to grow, a refusal to love, a refusal to get committed, to be concerned, and to take risks.
If Russia wants to use energy as a weapon against our friends and allies, let's use our resources to set them free.
Take up a weapon and you become an instrument with as pure a purpose as the weapon itself: to find arteries and open them, limbs and sever them; to take what is alive and deliver it unto death.
Men use women sexually. They use them, mistreat them, even from the point of view of vocabulary, the use of words. It baffles me.
Men use a new lesson or experience later on as a ploughshare or perhaps also as a weapon; women at once make it into an ornament.
Let's empower men and help them take a stand to stop acts of violence against women.
Many women, particularly young women, have claimed the right to use the most explicit sex terms, including extremely vulgar ones, in public as well as private. But it is men, far more than women, who have been liberated by this change. For now that women use these terms, men no longer need to watch their own language in the presence of women. But is this a gain for women?
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