A Quote by David Platt

Salvation has absolutely nothing to do with human merit and absolutely everything to do with divine mercy. — © David Platt
Salvation has absolutely nothing to do with human merit and absolutely everything to do with divine mercy.
We have nothing to do but to receive, resting absolutely upon the merit, power, and love of our Redeemer.
How many people also in our time are in search of God, in search of Jesus and of his Church, in search of divine mercy, and are waiting for a "sign" that will touch their minds and their hearts! Today, as then, the Evangelist reminds us that the only "sign" is Jesus raised on the cross: Jesus who died and rose is the absolutely sufficient sign. Through him we can understand the truth about life and obtain salvation.
We declare, say , define, and pronounce that it is absolutely necessary for the salvation of every human creature to be subject to the Roman Pontiff.
Concentration is the ability to think about absolutely nothing when it is absolutely necessary.
Once you are absolutely thoughtlessly aware, you are one with the Divine, so much so that the Divine takes over every activity, every moment of your life and looks after you and you feel completely secured, one with the Divine and enjoy the blessings of the Divine.
There are only two kinds of people who are really fascinating - people who know absolutely everything, and people who know absolutely nothing.
That's absolutely how I am. Like race, black or white - I see absolutely no difference. Because for me it's just such a reality. You are human, I am human, let's try to accept one another for whatever we are.
When you are being what you really are you absolutely flourish in the midst of absolutely everything.
It [motherhood] has changed absolutely everything. I mean, it's changed my life. I think I've changed as a human being more since I've had Kai than in any other period in my life...It's such an incredible catalyst for growth. I found myself questioning absolutely everything: how I spend my time, how I speak, what kind of projects I work on, how I look at the world.
Salvation is all about the grace of God. There is absolutely nothing that you can do to save yourself or earn God's favor.
Human mercy is proof of having received divine mercy.
God preordained, for his own glory and the display of His attributes of mercy and justice, a part of the human race, without any merit of their own, to eternal salvation, and another part, in just punishment of their sin, to eternal damnation.
If you see a credit with just my name on it, that means I write absolutely everything: rhythm guitar parts, guitar melodies, vocal melodies... absolutely everything, really.
Nothing, absolutely nothing, was above corruption so long as human beings were involved.
The world of pure spirits stretches between the divine nature and the world of human beings; because divine wisdom has ordained that the higher should look after the lower, angels execute the divine plan for human salvation: they are our guardians, who free us when hindered and help to bring us home.
From that time through the time I was a New Dramatist, when I was something like twenty-two, I saw absolutely everything in New York. Absolutely everything.
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