A Quote by David Rockefeller

I think of art as the highest level of creativity. To me, it is one of the greatest sources of enjoyment. — © David Rockefeller
I think of art as the highest level of creativity. To me, it is one of the greatest sources of enjoyment.
I think of art as the highest level of creativity. I was exposed to it since I was very small.
Everybody is born with the capacity to enjoy, but not with the art. People think just because they are alive and they breathe and they exist, they know how to enjoy. That is sheer stupidity. Enjoyment is a great art, it is a great discipline. It is as subtle a discipline as music or poetry or painting. It is the greatest creativity.
The highest art one can learn is the art of loving, and that the ultimate creativity and the highest art are born out of a knack - meditation.
I think jazz is actually quite unforgiving in its disdain for nostalgia. It demands creativity and change at its highest level.
Creativity is the art of concealing your sources.
The highest level of creativity consists in being, not doing.
The greatest sweetener of human life is Friendship. To raise this to the highest pitch of enjoyment, is a secret which but few discover.
There is often no material difference between the enjoyment of the highest ranks and those of the rudest stages of society. If the life of many a young English nobleman, and an Iroquois in the forest, or an Arab in the desert are compared, it will be found that their real sources of happiness are nearly the same.
Personally, I experience the greatest degree of pleasure in having contact with works of art. They furnish me with happy feelings of an intensity that I cannot derive from other sources.
Art is a critical component in a well-rounded education. Art is the level playing field - no matter how rich or poor, tall or short, pretty or ugly to the bone, if you can draw, you can find personal fulfillment and build self-confidence. Art is the highest achievement of mankind.
My ideas and creativity are the sources of inspiration for me.
When science, art, literature, and philosophy are simply the manifestation of personality, they are on a level where glorious and dazzling achievements are possible, which can make a man's name live for thousands of years. But above this level, far above, separated by an abyss, is the level where the highest things are achieved. These things are essentially anonymous.
I wanted to end my career still at the highest level, and Bayern is the highest level.
To awaken human emotion is the highest level of art.
I want to play at the highest level, the NBA, and one day be one of the greatest basketball players ever.
Performance art is the ultimate in creativity. Since it has so many possibilities at creativity, it's essence tends to become creativity.
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