A Quote by David Shuster

Many conspiracies are not criminal, even conspiracies that involve slamming somebody. — © David Shuster
Many conspiracies are not criminal, even conspiracies that involve slamming somebody.
The conspiracies that I've researched and encountered, they seem to happen very ad hoc: they become conspiracies when it's necessary to have a conspiracy.
I'm constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud.
Yes, there is a conspiracy, in fact there are a great number of conspiracies that are all tripping each other up. And all of those conspiracies are run by paranoid fantasists and ham-fisted clowns. If you are on a list targeted by the CIA, you really have nothing to worry about. If however, you have a name similar to somebody on a list targeted by the CIA, then you are dead.
At least Bank of America got its name right. The ultimate Too Big to Fail bank really is America, a hypergluttonous ward of the state whose limitless fraud and criminal conspiracies we'll all be paying for until the end of time.
There is no rule without revolts and conspiracies, even as there is no property without work and worry.
I thought that was the coolest thing in the world, the idea of somebody trying to solve mysteries. I would see conspiracies in everything. I think I believed in leprechauns longer than any of my fellow classmates because I tried to catch them.
The trouble with conspiracies is that they rot internally.
All professions are conspiracies against the laity.
I spend my life mostly disproving conspiracies.
Conspiracies no sooner should be formed Than executed.
I'm absolutely obsessed with conspiracies and have been since I was a kid.
There are conspiracies all over the Senate floor on any day!
There's all kinds of crazy right-wing conspiracies about me.
I like 'X-Files'-type shows with government conspiracies and extraterrestrials and all that.
We have to continue our progressive struggle and defeat the conspiracies of dictatorship.
Donald Trump believes in conspiracies. He has thin skin and is impulsive.
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