A Quote by David Small

To understand somebody else as a human being, I think, is about as close to real forgiveness as one can get. — © David Small
To understand somebody else as a human being, I think, is about as close to real forgiveness as one can get.
Humanization and coming to understand somebody as a human being is about as good a kind of forgiveness as you can get, I think.
I think that you can say you love somebody like in a relationship, but I also think that to feel love for somebody else or for another human is more about a living being to a living being, a totally different thing. I don't know if people will ever totally understand what that word means until we die.
I can spend somebody else's money on somebody else. And if I spend somebody else's money on somebody else, I'm not concerned about how much it is, and I'm not concerned about what I get. And that's government. And that's close to 40 percent of our national income.
I think when somebody seeks mercy and forgiveness and means it, and I was with [Donald Trump] the entire time, including when he learned about this, people ought to think about that. They ought to think about when somebody asks you for forgiveness contrite and for mercy - are you willing to give it?
All I'm doing is being authentic and real and singing about the emotions I go through as a human being. I don't think we should be nervous about expressing who we really are when it comes to being a believer but also when it comes to being someone who goes through real life. You have to experience real life before you can understand what it means to really worship.
I don't consider myself a celebrity. I don't think I'm better than somebody else. I'm just a human being like anyone else.
I want to get a real sense of intimate connection with each of the animals - with that particular lion or elephant in front of me. I believe that being that close to the animal makes a huge difference in the photographers ability to reveal its personality. You wouldn't take a portrait of a human being from a hundred feet away and expect to capture their spirit; you'd move in close.
I think we simply all like to project ourselves into somebody else - somebody who is better-looking, richer, smarter. It's comforting. It's escapism, and that, of course, is what the movies are supposed to be all about. Ultimately, I think it's just part of human nature to pretend.
Paula Deen is a human being. She deserves forgiveness and a chance at redemption as much as anyone else. America is about redemption.
The mainstream has lost its way. Crime fiction is an objective, realistic genre because it's about the real world, real bodies really being killed by somebody. And this involves the investigator in trying to understand the society that the person lived in.
At some point, you have to disconnect, if the obsession with playing a real person gets in the way of the movie at large. At the same time, we're all interested, as actors in trying to get as close to the real thing as we can, and whatever you can do in order to create that transformation feels fun and, for me, the furthest I can get away from myself is fun. It's all part of the costume, the accent, and all that stuff. It's about trying to get close without it being a detriment to the point of view of the story that you're trying to tell.
I can spend somebody else's money on somebody else. And if I spend somebody else's money on somebody else, I'm not concerned about how much it is, and I'm not concerned about what I get. And that's government.
I think real forgiveness is a gift someone has to earn, and I don’t even have to worry about Kalona asking for my forgiveness unless he’s worthy of even considering it, and I just don’t see that happening.
Don't get a movie confused with real life. I'm a well-rounded human being like everyone else.
Forgiveness isn't just a blessing you deliver to another human being. Forgiveness is also a gift you give yourself.
We were doing this close-up of my character on a cell phone, and the director's just like "Cut! Can we get somebody else's hand in there?" I do bite my fingernails, and you don't want to see a fat, bitten thumbnail on a 30-foot movie screen, so I get somebody with really nice, sexy hands and put 'em in there.
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