A Quote by David Sze

The best opportunities are often ones where you're being contrarian. That doesn't mean being contrarian for contrarian's sake, but it means you're thoughtful about the risks of following the crowd.
It’s actually pretty easy to be contrarian. It’s hard to be contrarian and right.
To be a contrarian, you've got to be a contrarian against your own people.
When everyone is a contrarian, nobody is a contrarian
As an investor-entrepreneur, I’ve always tried to be contrarian, to go against the crowd, to identify opportunities in places where people are not looking.
The most contrarian thing of all is not to oppose the crowd but to think for yourself.
I mean, I'm not a contrarian.
I think what's always important is not to be contrarian for its own sake but to really get at the truth.
Thinking about how disturbingly herdlike people become in so many different contexts - mimetic theory forces you to think about that, which is knowledge that's generally suppressed and hidden. As an investor-entrepreneur, I've always tried to be contrarian, to go against the crowd, to identify opportunities in places where people are not looking.
A contrarian approach is just as foolish as a follow-the-crowd strategy. What's required is thinking rather than polling.
A contrarian at heart, I am often guided by what I disagree with and don't want.
Successful contrarian investing requires us to live with discomfort, for being "wrong" and alone. But bargains do not exist in the absence of fear.
I'll work with anyone - and I really do mean that - Democrat, Republican, independent, Libertarian, contrarian, vegetarian.
To succeed as a contrarian you must recognize what the crowd believes, have concrete justification for why the majority is wrong, and have the patience and conviction to stick with what is, by definition, an unpopular bet.
I was always a contrarian.
I am a contrarian.
I have contrarian tendencies.
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