A Quote by David Zayas

People are complicated. People have secrets. It doesnt make them good people or bad people. — © David Zayas
People are complicated. People have secrets. It doesnt make them good people or bad people.
People are complicated. People have secrets. It doesn't make them good people or bad people.
I tend to look for the good in bad people and the bad in good people, to make them human. 'Cause I don't think that people generally are that black and white. Maybe in movie-land they can be... but that isn't necessarily all there is.
In a novel, if you're any good, you don't just have good people or bad people. You have complicated people. You have real people.
The human mind isn't a terribly logical or consistent place. Most people, given the choice to face a hideous or terrifying truth or to conveniently avoid it, choose the convenience and peace of normality. That doesn't make them strong or weak people, or good or bad people. It just makes them people.
I'm not really good at keeping my own secrets. I can keep other people's secrets pretty well. Unless they're really good and people deserve to hear them. And I'll disseminate the information accordingly.
There are no completely good or bad people. Everybody makes mistakes, or bad choices. It's how we live with them that make us the people we are.
If you look in real life, it is very hard to describe people as good people, bad people, heroes or villains. People aren't bad people. They all have their justifications.
I'm never trying to make a statement about morality ever. If there's a statement to be made, it's "People are complicated. They do things that may hurt other people, or exploit other people, but they may do them for the right reasons, or out of desperation." I don't judge that sort of "bad" behavior. I'm only interested in a world where people break outside of the norm, and I believe people do whatever they have to do to relieve themselves of pain. I just want to watch and see how that plays out.
For God loves saving, not condemning, and therefore He is patient with bad people, in order to make good people out of bad people.
Good people can do bad things, make bad decisions. It doesn't make them bad people.
We should invest in people not ideas. A good idea is often destroyed by bad people and good people can always make a bad idea better.
I'd read a lot of thrillers about politicians and presidents, but never one where you flip the stereotypes and make good people bad and bad people good.
Secrets are my currency: I deal in them for a living. The secrets of desire, of what people really want, and of what they fear the most. The secrets of why love is difficult, sex complicated, living painful and death so close and yet placed far away. Why are pleasure and punishment closely related? How do our bodies speak? Why do we make ourselves ill? Why do you want to fail? Why is pleasure hard to bear?
Good filmmakers actually are people who have lived life, who have something to say, who have stories to tell. People who fall, perhaps make a bad film, pick themselves up and go on to make another one. What strength people exhibit.
It's easy to remember only the good parts of people if you never see them. Real people are much more complicated.
We like to think there is this core of human nature – that good people can't do bad things, and that good people will dominate over bad situations. Infact, when we look at the Stanford prison studies, that we put good people in an evil place, and we saw who won. Well, the sad message in this, is in this case is the evil place won over the good people.
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