A Quote by Dean Kamen

Inspiration comes from the heart. The letter ‘I’ is the heart of F”I”RST… (F Inspiration R S T). — © Dean Kamen
Inspiration comes from the heart. The letter ‘I’ is the heart of F”I”RST… (F Inspiration R S T).
All an actor has, I think, is their heart, really,...that's the place you go for your inspiration. If my heart wasn't filled with them, where would I get stuff? What would I have to express?
Inspiration is never genuine if it is known as inspiration at the time. True inspiration always steals on a person; its importance not being fully recognized for some time.
I get inspiration from literally everything and anything. I take inspiration from people, relationships, stories, and I take inspiration from movies I see, books I read and songs I hear.
If something inspires you, try and hold on to that inspiration because if you lose that inspiration, what do you have left? If music is your inspiration and it brings you together with friends, family or loved ones and that's the core of it, then always have it. Always draw from it.
London's where I was brought up. It's where my heart is and where I get my inspiration.
Inspiration is that state in which mind and heart are connected.
The person who tries to live alone will not succeed as a human being. His heart withers if it does not answer another heart. His mind shrinks away if he hears only the echoes of his own thoughts and finds no other inspiration.
We shall draw from the heart of suffering itself the means of inspiration and survival.
A muse is something that serves a poet well early in his or her career. In later years one writers out of one's own driven inspiration. One learns to find inspiration rather than waiting for it to come for a visit. I can find inspiration almost anywhere.
Yes, and I can sit down on a white piece of paper and work because I don't believe too much into inspiration, only I'm waiting for inspiration, work and then inspiration may come. It's a little too easy to say that.
No man can force the harp of his own individuality into the people's heart; but every man may play upon the chords of the people's heart, who draws his inspiration from the people's instinct.
My inspiration comes from so many things, it is hard to give credit to one. I find music of all kinds to be a great inspiration. A melody or a lyric can fire my imagination. Exercise is another. Endorphins fuel my thoughts - I tend to work out scenes and dialogue when I am exercising. Reading is also a great inspiration.
A painting which does not take its inspiration from the heart is nothing more than futile juggling.
My heart lies in music and acting, however, my inspiration comes from adrenaline rush I get from sports... and life.
We should take heart from our own experience and performance. In a cynical world we have become an inspiration to many.
Like a lot of what happens in novels, inspiration is a sort of spontaneous combustion--the oily rags of the head and heart.
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