A Quote by Dean Koontz

Love and sausage are alike. Can never have enough of either. — © Dean Koontz
Love and sausage are alike. Can never have enough of either.
People who love sausage and respect the law should never watch either being made.
People who love sausage and people who believe in justice should never watch either of them being made
[On School Uniforms] Don't these schools do enough damage making all these kids think alike, now they have to make them look alike too? It's not a new idea, either. I first saw it in old newsreels from the 1930s, but it was hard to understand because the narration was in German.
In sausage, fat is a source of both delightfully porky flavor and a springy texture. Without enough fat, sausage will be dry and tasteless.
Alike and ever alike, we are on all continents in the need of love, food, clothing, work, speech, worship, sleep, games, dancing, fun. From tropics to arctics humanity live with these needs so alike, so inexorably alike.
If you think love makes you happy, you've either never been in love, or never been in love long enough to have to start compromising.
If we cannot think alike, at least we may love alike; and can anything but love beget love?
I don't have a problem with delegation. I love to delegate. I am either lazy enough, or busy enough, or trusting enough, or congenial enough, that the notion leaving tasks in someone else's lap doesn't just sound wise to me, it sounds attractive.
You can never know enough, never work enough, never use the infinitives and participles oddly enough, never impede the movement harshly enough, never leave the mind quickly enough.
I know I look like a piece of sausage to those lions. A sausage with braids.
That if you could acquire enough, accomplish enough, you’d never want to own or do another thing. That if you could eat or sleep enough, you’d never need more. That if enough people loved you, you’d stop needing love.
I am always jumping into the sausage grinder and deciding, even before I’m half ground, that I don’t want to be a sausage after all.
Respect me. Be proud, and if you love me, a little afraid, because love so often looks like fear. We are alike. We are alike.
Pride is all very well, but a sausage is a sausage.
I love the excesses of beauty, there is never enough sunlight in the world I will live in, never enough room for love.
Our Father knew exactly what He was doing when He created us. He made us enough alike to love each other, but enough different that we would need to unite our strengths and stewardships to create a whole.
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