A Quote by Debby Ryan

I want in 40 years to still be acting and to more than anything have longevity and not just be this huge flash in the pan and then disappear. — © Debby Ryan
I want in 40 years to still be acting and to more than anything have longevity and not just be this huge flash in the pan and then disappear.
I want longevity. I don't want to be a flash in the pan. I want to continue to do good work and projects that inspire me, and if I can have fun while doing it, that's the dream.
I want to be around for a long time, I don't want to be a flash in the pan. I hope I'll be 50 years old and still making music.
It's not even so much about publicity, it's more just letting people know that things are available, because books aren't a flash in the pan thing. It's more like: "It took 20 years for this book to be done and now it'll be on a shelf for 20 years until the right person finds it."
I don't want to be a flash in the pan. I don't want people to just remember me for one thing.
There's a pressure on actors to get somewhere before it's over. But everyone wants longevity, don't they? It's a career. Why be that flash-in-the-pan, taking every job out of worry it'll soon be over?
I did some acting in high school and then a little more in college, and it just was the thing that I felt that I wanted to do more than anything else. And then I was fortunate enough to audition for and get into Yale Drama School right after college, and I spent three years there.
Acting has been my profession for more than 40 years and I can't retire.
You look at the descriptions of Whitey by law enforcement during his early years, and they sum him up pretty well. He was the same guy 40 years later; he just had $40 million more, and had committed 40 more murders.
The thing that interests me far more than anything is creating music, songwriting and arranging, and in that context drumming itself is a means to an end. I think it's really easy to forget that - I'd sooner play something musical than flash, and as I can't play anything flash, I try to be musical. Drums can set a mood, create an impression, as much as anything else.
I'm not in any rush to get anywhere. There's a pressure on actors to get somewhere before it's over. But everyone wants longevity, don't they? It's a career. Why be that flash-in-the-pan, taking every job out of worry it'll soon be over?
The world population 60 years ago was just over 2 billion and it's now more than 6 billion. This huge increase - an explosion really - has probably done more harm to the environment than anything else.
When I step into the batter's box, the fans, the noise, the cheers, they all disappear. For that moment, the world is just a battle between me and the pitcher. And more than anything, I want to win.
I don't want to be a flash in the pan. I want to be around for a very long time. I want to be like a Sheryl Crow or a Melissa Etheridge or even a Madonna with how her career has lasted so long and she is still respected in the music business. That's really what I am aiming for. I'm not really looking for 15 minutes of fame.
I'm learning how to have a healthy form of love, how to make it lasting rather than just have it be a flash in the pan.
I want to be around when I'm 60; I don't want to be some flash in the pan.
It's funny I'm talking to 'Rolling Stone' right now, because back then, it was like, 'Punk rock? Put it back. It's just a flash in the pan.'
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