A Quote by Deepak Chopra

True success is ... the experience of the miraculous. It is the unfolding of the divinity within us. — © Deepak Chopra
True success is ... the experience of the miraculous. It is the unfolding of the divinity within us.
When we begin to experience our life as the miraculous expression of divinity - not occasionally, but all the time - then we will know the true meaning of success.
When one is true to oneself, when one is authentic, one becomes true to the evolutionary thrust for self-optimization that exists within oneself and within the universe. And that evolutionary thrust is a continuous unfolding process.
In one of the Upanishads it says, when the glow of a sunset holds you and you say 'Aha,' that is the recognition of the divinity. And when you say 'Aha' to an art object, that is a recognition of divinity. And what divinity is it? It is your divinity, which is the only divinity there is. We are all phenomenal manifestations of a divine will to live, and that will and the consciousness of life is one in all of us, and that is what artwork expresses.
The Stoics say, "Retire within yourselves; it is there you will find your rest." And that is not true. Others say, "Go out of yourselves; seek happiness in amusement." And this is not true. Illness comes. Happiness is neither without us nor within us. It is in God, both without us and within us.
I challenge every one of you who can hear me to rise to the divinity within you. Do we really realize what it means to be a child of God, to have within us something of the divine nature?
...along with the other animals, the stones, the trees, and the clouds, we ourselves are characters within a huge story that is visibly unfolding all around us, participants within the vast imagination, or Dreaming, of the world.
After all, it is the divinity within that makes the divinity without.
T is the Divinity that stirs within us.
I believe divinity is within us.
The divinity who rules within us, forbids us to leave this world without his command.
The true spiritual secret is this: what you seek, you already are. True success is discovering your inner divinity~ it's the ability to love and have compassion, trust your intuition, and awaken to your unlimited creative nature.
There is scarcely a single joy or sorrow within the experience of our fellow-creatures which we have not tasted; yet the belief, in the good and beautiful has never forsaken us. It has been medicine to us in sickness, richness in poverty, and the best part of all that ever delighted us in health and success.
The main object of the novel is to represent life. . .The success of a work of art, to my mind, may be measured by the degree to which it produces a certain illusion; that illusion makes it appear to us for the time that we have lived another life - that we have had a miraculous enlargement of experience.
Success, in a generally accepted sense of the term, means the opportunity to experience and to realize to the maximum the forces that are within us.
I believe that I am a child of God, endowed with a divine birthright. I believe that there is something of divinity within me and within each of you. I believe that we have a godly inheritance and that it is our responsibility, our obligation, and our opportunity to cultivate and nurture the very best of these qualities within us.
Our humanity is a poor thing, except for the divinity that stirs within us.
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