A Quote by Dejan Stojanovic

I am the shore and the ocean, awaiting myself on both sides. — © Dejan Stojanovic
I am the shore and the ocean, awaiting myself on both sides.
I decided upon the thought that I can only find myself once I can admit to myself and approve that both sides are sides of myself.
In Congress, I am focused on the effects of climate change, including ocean acidification and sea-level rise - both of which are threats to healthy oceans that sustain life on- and off-shore.
Myself, I don't think you will ever get security in the Mideast until you have what on the surface appears to be fair to both sides. You have to have leaders committed to peace, on both sides. One side can't impose a solution.
Just as Lincoln got contradictory advice from the extremists of both sides . . . so now I have to guard myself against the extremists of both sides.
I have an ocean of opportunities awaiting me and once I am back from Miss World, I want to explore whatever life has to offer.
I felt like I was staring out across an ocean that I was going to have to swim from shore to shore before I could rest again.
In writing a novel, the writer must be able to identify emotionally and intellectually with two or three or four contradicting perspectives and give each of them very a convincing voice. It's like playing tennis with yourself and you have to be on both sides of the yard. You have to be on both sides, or all sides if there are more than two sides.
I've had experiences on both sides of the ocean and various classrooms and bedrooms around New York.
Gray space is fertile ground for fiction. When I can see both sides of an argument and feel strongly in both directions, then there's a story there, then I can write real characters that I care about and believe in and champion on both sides.
In war, as it is waged now, with the enormous losses on both sides, both sides will lose. It is a form of mutual suicide.
Everyone sees me as a defensive-minded guy, but both sides of the court are important. If you want to win, you have to be good on both sides.
What's really amusing is that you see - when you look at everybody's statements that - on both sides of the aisle, they've talked out of both sides of their mouth, depending on who's in power and who's not.
I'm not a political person. I don't understand politics, I don't understand the concept of two sides and I think that probably there's good on both sides, bad on both sides, and there's a middle ground, but it never seems to come to the middle ground and it's very frustrating watching it and seemingly we're not moving forward.
Nothing is distinct and separate. The waves of the ocean arise and have a separate birth, crashing on the shore, but then back into the ocean they go. They never left it. There is no movement in Nirvana.
Being respected by people on both sides of the aisle is really important to me - even in an age when giving a hearing to 'both sides' is considered a smear in some corners.
One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time. Variants include "You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore".
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