A Quote by Denise Scott Brown

Architecture can't force people to connect, it can only plan the crossing points, remove barriers, and make the meeting places useful and attractive. — © Denise Scott Brown
Architecture can't force people to connect, it can only plan the crossing points, remove barriers, and make the meeting places useful and attractive.
Photographing attractive people who were doing attractive things in attractive places. (Summary of his photographic career)
And one of our points of continuing conversation with our trading partners is the urgency of their taking steps to remove barriers to their improved growth performance.
Let's say hypothetically, knowing what we know now about public policy, that we could close the education gap so that it was only a couple percentage points, and we could make sure that hiring barriers and educational barriers had been leveled down, and unemployment among African Americans right now instead of being double was only 10 percent higher than white unemployment - if we got to that point , America as a whole would be a lot richer.
We have to create a world in which there are no unknown, hostile aliens at the other end of any missiles, and that is going to take a tremendous amount of sheer hard work. The only force which can break down those barriers is the force of love, the force of truth, soul-force.
My dream is that people will find a way back home, into their bodies, to connect with the earth, to connect with each other, to connect with the poor, to connect with the broken, to connect with the needy, to connect with people calling out all around us, to connect with the beauty, poetry, the wildness.
I believe that there are barriers, educational barriers, cultural barriers, societal barriers, that are keeping people from accessing the promise of a vibrant free enterprise economy.
When you remove just some of the barriers, people do what people do: help their families.
I hope I inspire people who hear. Hearing people have the ability to remove barriers that prevent deaf people from achieving their dreams.
Let's listen to the people and find common ground to remove barriers to job creation.
Crossing barriers can be as simple as a smile.
We die to each other daily. What we know of other people is only our memory of the moments during which we knew them. And they have changed since then. To pretend that they and we are the same is a useful and convenient social convention which must sometimes be broken. We must also remember that at every meeting we are meeting a stranger.
I guess I'm attracted to people who are singing about love or life, and they have a particular passion that I can connect with. There are people I can tell are amazing, but I can't connect for some reason. It doesn't really make sense why you connect with someone or you don't.
The libertarian approach is a very symmetrical one: the non-aggression principle does not rule out force, but only the initiation of force. In other words, you are permitted to use force only in response to some else's use of force. If they do not use force you may not use force yourself. There is a symmetry here: force for force, but no force if no force was used.
The use of force is always an answer to problems. Whether or not it's a satisfactory answer depends on a number of things, not least the personality of the person making the determination. Force isn't an attractive answer, though. I would not be true to myself or to the people I served with in 1970 if I did not make that realization clear.
You know I think so many of us live outside our bodies. My dream is that people will find a way back home, into their bodies, to connect with the earth, to connect with each other, to connect with the poor, to connect with the broken, to connect with the needy, to connect with people calling out all around us, to connect with the beauty, poetry, the wildness.
Perhaps crossing the barriers of time has freed me.
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