A Quote by Dennis Quaid

Athletes are sort of part of the community at large. They have to be dedicated to what they do, and go through lots of peaks and valleys. And there's a lot of training that goes into their careers. It's a struggle. Very dramatic.
'Precious' is strangely uplifting. It goes down into the valley but it also goes to the mountain tops. A lot of difficult realities are explored in 'Precious,' but the peaks make the valleys and the valleys make the peaks.
What they frequently want to do with a movie is, they want to cut out the valleys and just show the peaks. And valleys are important; the valleys make the peaks stand out.
You go through life in a series of peaks and valleys.
As you go through life, you've got to see the valleys as well as the peaks.
A lot of guys go through ups and downs in their careers, and sometimes those downs are like horrific and they can really change you. A lot. And so when you go out there and do something like score a touchdown and have a good game, you appreciate it so much more when you've been through those valleys in life.
There have been crazy highs and lows in my life. I've duelled with drug addiction and watched people dying... like everybody. I'm not saying it's an exceptionally dramatic peaks-and-valleys kind of life but there's a lot of it, honestly.
When you go through a tournament of seven games, there are peaks and valleys. You kind of ride the players that are hot.
All of life is peaks and valleys. Don't let the peaks get too high and the valleys too low.
When you've done so many records in 20 years like I have, you're going to have ebbs and flows and go through peaks and valleys.
There are going to be peaks and valleys in everything - in your marriage, in your job, in your life. So just enjoy the peaks and ride out the valleys. Just try not to do anything too rash.
Life is supposed to be a series of peaks and valleys. The secret is to keep the valleys from becoming Grand Canyons.
Good entrepreneurs are community builders, actively involved with their communities and dedicated to the community's well being. If you're dedicated to your community, it will be dedicated to you.
I reject the idea that the guy who comes out of Yale and goes to work in the projects in Newark is good, and the guy who goes to work for a white-shoe law firm is bad. We're all mountain rangers. We all have peaks and valleys.
I think, certainly, in history, if you look back, a lot of people would go through their careers, build a business, or be a doctor, lawyer, and then they would go and do public service later on in their careers.
It's been a career filled with very low valleys and some wonderful, high peaks.
I go to the first tee scared to death every day. The peaks do not seem to last as long as the valleys in this game.
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