A Quote by Des Lynam

Kicked wide of the goal with such precision — © Des Lynam
Kicked wide of the goal with such precision
What is revolutionary today is that we're using precision-guided munitions. And instead of building individual weapons, we are building an industry and a philosophy, the culture of precision. You saw Desert Storm. Precision works.
For me, being able to go anywhere you want, with an element of precision and control, has been the goal.
Broadway's never my end goal because of the plays I write. These are tough plays. Of course there's a lot of humor, but my goal is just to reach as wide an audience as possible, however that happens.
I'm working on my final ball, my precision in front of goal, my one-on-one attacking ability, just new ways to beat defenders and help my team.
Master Precision. Be a precision instrument myself.
In all the wide gamut of human experience, nothing plays so important a part as faith.... Faith that is as broad as the heavens and as wide as the earth. Faith that comprehends in its vast sympathies everything human as well as divine, and carries one with the swift sure wings of the angels directly to his goal.
I am one of those players who has many scars up and down my legs from being kicked, but I know I have a job to do, and beating my opponent is my goal.
I had run away from home three times. I had been kicked out of three different schools under different circumstances. I was kicked out of everything that I didn't quit. Kicked out of schools. Kicked out of summer camp, the Boy Scouts, the altar boys, the choir, and something else that I can't think of, that I'm proud of. Anyway, that was my pattern. I just began to invent myself early in life, and went out and did something about it.
The Rock is the Rock, you know? He's the ultimate athlete, the professional man with precision. And you want precision from a 270-pound living, walking brick wall.
My goal is always to keep my ears as wide open as possible.
A brilliant analysis of leadership in democratic, authoritarian, and totalitarian states, Archie Brown's The Myth of the Strong Leader draws on a remarkably wide range of examples and is distinguished by the relevance of its insights and by the precision and clarity of their exposition. It is an absorbing read that deserves to become a modern classic of political thinking.
Nutrition . . . has been kicked around like a puppy that cannot take care of itself. Food faddists and crackpots have kicked it pretty cruelly . . .
When I play out wide and maybe score a goal, that's my favourite position.
If you watch me play, you'll see how often I get kicked. I don't go off the pitch and cut myself to act like I've been kicked.
Anytime you make a movie, the goal is a wide theatrical release, with the right distributor.
The goal wasn't to be a millionaire or to be a Hollywood star. That was not the goal. The goal was something about - the goal was to find the goal, but I knew where it was.
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