A Quote by Deshaun Watson

As we play, I just kind of make the best decision and try to move the chains. — © Deshaun Watson
As we play, I just kind of make the best decision and try to move the chains.
The only chains God wants us to wear are the chains of righteousness--not the chains of hopeless subjectivism, not the shackles of risk-free living, not the fetters of horoscope decision making--just the chains befitting a bond servant of Christ Jesus. Die to self. Live for Christ. And then do what you want, and go where you want, for God's glory.
But deleting work is sometimes the best decision you that you can make. Because you try and make this thing, that you know in your gut isn't right, and you just have to let it go. You have to be brutal.
I always roll with the way things are, so as soon as one decision happens, you just realign and move on and make another decision.
I think you make the best with what you've got, you know? Sometimes you have very little. And you just always try to rise to higher ground, because you're going to suffer one way or the other, so you just hope that you have strength and perseverance and good friends and faith, some kind of faith, to endure and move on to greener pastures.
You can try to make the right decision all the time, but it's better to just make a decision. I have done wrong so many times, but nine times out of 10, I have learned from my failure. Don't wait for something; just go for it.
I can certainly see a band like Nirvana, like when they started having to play to the kind of guys that beat them up in high school - that was probably shocking. But you make music to move people and you don't get to pick who you move. You just don't. It's exclusionary and elitist and I just never felt that way about music, of all things. The great unifier.
I just play, man. Try to play good every week, but if it doesn't happen, I just move on. But if I do play good, I do the same thing.
You don't know what's happening the next moment, in anybody's life, and you just have to pick up and move on and try to learn from the experience and make the best of it.
I had to make a major decision with myself because I just don't think you can do both: try to have a baby career and raise it and have a baby baby and raise it. And to try to do justice to either one. It was a very conscious decision on my part not to have children - which I have never regretted.
We all play chess with Fate as partner. He makes a move, we make a move. He tries to checkmate us in three moves, we try to prevent it. We know we can't win, but we're driven to give him a good fight.
What is a decision? It's a tool to remove confusion! Are you confused? If so, then make the decision and let's move on!
The only thing I can do is move forward and try to put myself in the best position to help this team win, and whatever decisions they make, I will just have to deal with it.
It's a brutal game. It requires a certain type of person to play it. Once you make the decision to play it, that's your decision. I know what I signed up for. It allows me to provide for my family.
I just try to live the right way the best I can. I make plenty of mistakes but I just try to do the best I can and be a great example for my kids.
There's really no difference between what I do and what a male filmmaker might do. I mean we all try to make our days, we all try to give the best performances we can, we try to make our budget, we try to make the best movie we possibly can.
I say, make the decision, and as soon as you make the decision, the rest of your life you just manage that decision on a daily basis.
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