A Quote by Desmond Tutu

Human beings can be awful, but they can also be tremendous. — © Desmond Tutu
Human beings can be awful, but they can also be tremendous.
The world is awful but also the world is beautiful. Human beings are awful, but ultimately human beings are tremendous.
I'm fascinated by the awful, awful things that human beings do to each other.
Yes, war is hell. It is awful. It involves human beings killing other human beings, sometimes innocent civilians. That is why we despise war.
I detest violence. I have a tremendous respect not only for human life but also for the animal life that I have to live with, and I believe that our destiny as human beings is to become nature-conscious as well as self-conscious, living in loving relationship and in balance and in harmony, not only with one another, but with the entire natural world.
Something 'Drag Race' is really good at is portraying us as artists but also human beings. And normal human beings don't know everything. They don't have all the answers.
Human beings can be awful cruel to one another.
We're human beings we are - all of us - and that's what people are liable to forget. Human beings don't like peace and goodwill and everybody loving everybody else. However much they may think they do, they don't really because they're not made like that. Human beings love eating and drinking and loving and hating. They also like showing off, grabbing all they can, fighting for their rights and bossing anybody who'll give them half a chance.
I think that human beings are the most awful monster we have ever seen.
It struck her all at once that dealing with other human beings was an awful lot of work.
All human beings are also dream beings. Dreaming ties all mankind together.
It's appalling that there have to be movements organized to give human beings the right to be human beings in the eyes of other human beings.
In our efforts to get human beings empirically into focus in ethics, we have a standing obligation not only to revisit and, if necessary, rework our conception of human importance, but also to ensure that our best conception is indeed the lens through which we look at our fellow human beings.
I think that as human beings, we quite naturally take for granted what is similar among human beings and, then, pay attention to what differentiates us. That makes perfect sense for us as human beings.
As beavers build dams and bees build hives, human beings have spears. Or take the high intelligence of human beings, the ability to make plans, to transmit information - that was also there before, but that, together with the tools, was not enough to make man special.
I think that people will find a tremendous joy and fulfillment in service to other human beings, and that often this is what is missing in their lives.
As all human beings are, in my view, creatures of God's design, we must respect all other human beings. That does not mean I have to agree with their choices or agree with their opinions, but indeed I respect them as human beings.
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