A Quote by Dev Hynes

Everything I do, I build a kind of confidence net - 'I'm able to execute this; it's fine.' — © Dev Hynes
Everything I do, I build a kind of confidence net - 'I'm able to execute this; it's fine.'
Not to be too preachy, but I would really recommend to people, if you get the chance, to trust yourselves to leap without a net, because that will build the confidence. You know, you might shock yourself with how much you don't need a net because you can catch yourself.
One of the dangers about net-net investing is that if you buy a net-net that begins to lose money your net-net goes down and your capacity to be able to make a profit becomes less secure. So the trick is not necessarily to predict what the earnings are going to be but to have a clear conviction that the company isn't going bust and that your margin of safety will remain intact over time.
My confidence was more of a fake-it-until-you-make-it kind of thing. I tried to build my own confidence and not rely on the opinions of others.
Being able to rely on the matches I've won - at first they surprised me - but I've slowly been able to build confidence.
Comedy scares me a lot. I feel like it's way harder than drama. I think my safety net is definitely drama and I would love to kind of be able to be able to push into the comedy world and do something kind of like a Christopher Guest kind of style show. That, to me, is my kind of comedy. Like, Ricky Gervais comedy. That's my kind of thing.
Comedy scares me a lot. I feel like it's way harder than drama. I think my safety net is definitely drama, and I would love to kind of be able to be able to push into the comedy world and do something kind of like a Christopher Guest kind of style show. That, to me, is my kind of comedy. Like, Ricky Gervais comedy. That's my kind of thing.
The Navy Seals don't travel with 200 people, they wouldn't be able to execute the kind of tip-of-the-spear missions they do.
I think confidence comes from doing something well, working at it hard, and you build it up. It's not something you're born with. You have to build the confidence as you go along.
It's one thing to have a scouting report and not be able to execute it, and it's completely different if you're able to kind of work your way through that report, attack guys certain ways, use different sequences, and be effective with them.
I'd never played on a team until high school. It gave me a sense of belonging, a focus, and helped build my confidence. I liked the feeling of accomplishment and the respect. Sports ideally teach discipline and commitment. They challenge you and build character for everything you do in life.
If they don't execute well enough then there's nothing much a coach can do. But if they do execute those plans correctly and they don't work, then you need to be able to adapt and come up with something different.
After formulating and communicating the right strategy and optimizing operations to execute that strategy, CEOs and other top leaders then must be able to build management teams that truly understand the big picture.
I build confidence when I practice a variety of shots - hitting it high or low, working the ball. A lot of golfers go to the range and just hit full shots. That doesn't build on-course confidence, because you won't always hit full shots out there. My confidence is built on knowing I can effectively work the ball in any circumstance.
If you go two years without playing with confidence, when your whole life, you've been extremely confident and a hard worker... I got punched in the mouth, and it took me a while to adjust. I kind of had my confidence - I don't want to say taken away, because no one should ever be able to take your confidence away.
There comes a time when you have to put forth the action and actually see whether you're really just talking to promote yourself, just to sell yourself, or to build your confidence or build confidence around you... or are you the real deal?
We're about getting all the people who want to compete with Samsung to be able to build devices. So we're kind of down at the guts level saying, 'Hey, we can give you the hardware, the sensor platform, the software you need to go build your own one.'
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