A Quote by Diamond Dallas Page

I wrote a book called 'Yoga for Regular Guys.' We made the title of the book funny, but it was actually super serious. We were trying to get regular guys to do yoga. It just kept developing from there, and the concept eventually turned into DDP YOGA. I am so passionate about it.
I didn't develop DDP YOGA for yogis. DDP YOGA is its own animal; if yoga was a bicycle, DDP YOGA would be a Harley.
I got a yoga mat, I do yoga twice a week. I do both regular and hot yoga. Lululemon has an extra large yoga mat, longer and wider, so it fits me.
You'll never see me in an airport without a DDP YOGA shirt. It says, 'It Ain't Your Mama's Yoga' on the back and 'DDP YOGA' in the front. Every time I walk around, people see the shirt, and it makes them smile.
The "Bhagavad Gita" is actually a very good text for yoga - the yoga of love, the yoga of action or karma, the yoga of understanding of intellect, and the yoga of reflection and meditation. I think it's a very important map for understanding the nature of consciousness.
We cannot expect that millions are practicing real yoga just because millions of people claim to be doing yoga all over the globe. What has spread all over the world is not yoga. It is not even non-yoga; it is un-yoga.
DDP Yoga was never developed for yoga users: it was developed for people who wouldn't be caught dead doing yoga - the people who really need it.
Yoga is not about the history of yoga. Yoga is not about being in a sacred community of the initiated few. Yoga is about uniting inward, which takes place in the present, not the past, in each and every moment.
Yoga is 'so hum,' spiritual and all that, and I get it, and I respect that, but that's not what I do. What I do with DDP Yoga, we have changed the face of how it's represented. The spiritual stuff for us is about the power of positivity along with giving people that inner confidence.
I practice yoga on a regular basis at my gym and when I travel. Yoga not only keeps me flexible, but I feel it enhance the quality of my blood cells through deep breathing. I also feel energized when I practice yoga, which helps me cope with my demanding schedule.
I do stretches every morning and serious yoga. Not the hot, sweaty type - I don't believe yoga is calisthenics in fancy pants. I practise a variant of hatha yoga.
There are four principal pathways that lead to enlightement: The yoga of love, the yoga of service, the yoga of knowledge, and the yoga of mysticism.
I practice Kriya Yoga, which is a form of meditation. I do that twice a day and regular yoga once a day.
I have had the great good fortune of working with a true genius of yoga, Karuna Erickson, in developing a new system called Heart Yoga.
Yoga is a product of Eastern thought. A further complication is that the early Yoga teachers were both Indian and Hindu. So from the late 1800's and early 1900's the Yoga teachers who came across were as interested in Hinduism as in Yoga. Often what we were being taught was a mixture of two different systems.
It's funny, I do try to maintain health. I started doing Bikram yoga which is that hothouse yoga, the 105 degrees yoga for 90 minutes. It's great, you purge out all the sweat and you're drinking water.
My father was really into yoga, and back then, it seemed like we were really the only ones who knew about yoga. It amazes me now... just what a movement yoga has become and what an industry it's become.
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