A Quote by Diana Ross

When I'm working I actually forget to eat. I don't eat sweets because I don't care about them. I have no real secrets. I just realize that as I get older I should stay strong so I exercise more.
You can exercise vigorously and eat junk and get by. But you can't eat perfectly and not exercise. Look at many athletes today; they are human garbage cans. They eat anything, but they exercise so hard they burn it up. But why not exercise and put the right fuel in too?
I will not have Botox. You know why? Because I eat! I eat the fat, I eat the vegetable, I eat everything. If you exercise and you don't eat enough, it takes its toll on the skin.
As I get older and maybe a little bit wiser, you realize how much stuff affects your body and what it can do. Cutting out carbs and sweets and trying to eat just proteins and fruits and stuff like that, more natural stuff, is what I have found has had the biggest impact on me.
I'd eat, eat, eat, not exercise, go to sleep, eat and eat. I looked up in the mirror and said I had to make a change if I was going to continue to live.
When I'm getting ready for a movie, let's just say my diet is 'The Antisocial Diet.' I don't go to restaurants. I don't eat what I really want to eat. I don't eat much. I eat small things frequently. Lots of protein and greens. And I don't eat with people, because there's a tendency to get social and then to overeat.
When I'm getting ready for a movie, let's just say my diet is "The Antisocial Diet." I don't go to restaurants. I don't eat what I really want to eat. I don't eat much. I eat small things frequently. Lots of protein and greens. And I don't eat with people, because there's a tendency to get social and then to overeat.
I am not a vegetarian. I subscribe to my own mantra: eat less, move more, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, don't eat too much junk food, and enjoy what you eat. Or, to summarise: eat less, eat better, move more, and get political.
You have to eat good! I eat gorgeous food. I eat sushi, I eat meat, I eat steaks. I eat more than you, I'm sure.
I'm an addictive person. If I open a bag of sweets, I won't just eat one or two, I'll eat the lot. If I go and play on my computer, it won't be just for an hour, it'll be for five hours.
Normally after a game I want to eat something that I know is filling. Steak is one of my options for protein. For me, it's all about keeping my weight on. Because I'm more slender, I actually tend to lose weight during the season so I actually have to eat more so that I can keep the weight on.
There are so many health nuts out there who eat nothing but natural foods but they don't exercise and they look terrible. Then there are other people who exercise like a son-of-a-gun but eat a lot of junk... Exercise is king. Nutrition is queen. Put them together and you've got a kingdom.
I actually lost weight by not obsessing. When I crave something I eat it and then I eat healthily, and I don't go: "Oh, I can't eat." It means I don't want to eat too much because I'm letting myself be comfortable with it. It's really interesting. It has worked for me.
I go to the gym whenever I can. I actually have to eat to keep the weight on when I am working because I tend to lose too much weight. I like to workout. I don't cook. Not really, I like good restaurants. And sometimes I get back from work and it is too late to eat dinner so I just go straight to bed and I wake up the next morning starving and have to eat cheeseburgers for the pure energy. But in general I am a pretty healthy eater.
I'm excited about Thanksgiving. It's my favorite holiday. It's the feast of a thousand senses, so just eat, eat, eat, eat.
I'll immediately gain, like, 5 pounds even just by thinking about cutting out dessert. It's a nightmare. I decided, for me, the healthiest thing was to eat what I want and just exercise. Some women can watch what they eat, but I just can't do that.
Food-wise I tend to eat pretty much what I want when I am remaining active so there are no secrets on that front, stay active and eat well and you will see results.
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