A Quote by Diego Sanchez

I'm doing this to survive. I'm doing this for my livelihood. I'm fighting with my heart and my soul and my passion. I'm going to give it everything I've got. — © Diego Sanchez
I'm doing this to survive. I'm doing this for my livelihood. I'm fighting with my heart and my soul and my passion. I'm going to give it everything I've got.
I want it to be here in Chicago. I'm going to play my heart and soul out for this team and give it everything I've got.
If you are doing what you love then you're doing what is right. Desire and passion resonate with your body, mind and soul. When you're passionate you don't question, judge, criticize, second-guess, or doubt. It's that passion that will fuel the fire to overcome challenges.
Doing things the way you see it, going by your own heart and soul, that is pure artistic integrity. Whether the hair is six or sixty inches long, the eyes have make-up or not, the riffs are in 'E' or 'F' sharp, the amps are Marshall or not, all those things don't matter if you are doing it for the right reason, which to me means doing it for yourself!!
I'm not a fighter, but in my mind I'm fighting every day. 'What's new? What am I doing?' I'm fighting myself. My soul is samurai. My roots aren't samurai, but my soul is.
Pretty much my feel toward MCs is, if you really got heart, you got passion, let's get on and do something. I like doing stuff with people that's real.
Trust me, ... I know where my heart is and my heart's right here. I'm going to keep doing everything because I love to do it, but I will never sacrifice my time between the ropes. That's no shot to anybody. Everybody's got different career paths. This is mine.
I'm just going to give them everything I have to give as a player and as a man on and off the field. I'm hoping with me doing that and being the leader that I am, it trickles down and becomes so contagious that everybody is doing it. That's how you change a program around with everybody buying in and believing in the same thing.
For the first time in 23 years I'm enjoying the process of supporting it, of going out and doing shows, and doing the interviews, and doing everything.
I'm convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance... Unless you have a lot of passion about this, you're not going to survive. You're going to give it up. So you've got to have an idea, or a problem or a wrong that you want to right that you're passionate about otherwise you're not going to have the perseverance to stick it through.
I was always cycling for my dad. Then the coaches got bigger, and my results got better. Suddenly, the responsibility grows, and I'm doing it for somebody else, I'm doing it for a programme; I'm doing it for the country. I'm doing it for, like, everybody.
Every year since we got started, I think that it's going to get harder to top it, but with all the support, somehow things keep getting better. That must mean we are doing something right, so we're just going to try to keep doing what we're doing.
Music was going to be my thing. Was I going to make a living at it? That was kind of a joke. It was just my passion, and if I was broke doing my passion, so be it.
I am sick and tired of folks that are doing everything they can to try to get a bad bill going, and then they vote against it when the bad bill's got the momentum to go through. We should be doing everything, using every tool in our toolbox, to stop bad legislation from happening.
All B.S. aside, it all comes down to... we got to survive. I mean, even warriors put their spears down on Sundays. We got to survive here in this country... 'cause I'm not going back to Africa. We got to survive here. And for us to survive here-White folks, Black folks, Korean folks, Mexican folks, Puerto Ricans-we got to understand each other.
I've worked in a lot of elections and it can feel like you're fighting a battle. You get into a mindset of 'we've got to win. If they're doing it, we're going to do it too.'
If we enjoy what we're doing, we shouldn't really need a break. It's fun for us to play music. It's our livelihood, but I don't look at it as a job. It doesn't seem to me to be a problem to constantly be doing this.
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