A Quote by Diego Simeone

Griezmann is an extraordinary player who adapts to all the needs of the team. — © Diego Simeone
Griezmann is an extraordinary player who adapts to all the needs of the team.
I don't fear France as a team, nor Antoine Griezmann or any other player.
I think the only thing that matters is you win as a team and you lose as a team. And so the team needs to understand that no one player is bigger than any other player. Everybody has a role... Every single role is important.
Griezmann needs to think about what he says. You have to think about where you are and what team you represent.
No single player can stop Antoine Griezmann on his own.
Every team needs goalscorers, attacking players, players who can sweep up the ball, but every team needs that someone who can be the link between defence and attack. The greatest teams always have that sort of player.
Yes, I am a team player and 'everything is based on the needs of the team.
I think winning a championship, for me, it put things in perspective. You can either be a great player on a so-so team, or you can be a role player on a championship team, or, in an extreme case, a great player on a championship team.
I've been the best player on every team that I played on, so if I can't be the poster child of your team, then what else is it? It's got to be a black-white issue. Every white player I know who's the best player on their team is the poster child of that team.
I'm just an all-around player that does whatever my team needs.
Of course team spirit and team's strategy matters more than anything else as far as the team is concerned. As far as I am concerned, if the presence of one player is affecting the morale or the spirit of the team, then we might as well rest that player for a while.
I'm a team player who needs to work a lot and sacrifice myself for the success of the group.
Only in baseball can a team player be a pure individualist first and a team player second, within the rules and spirit of the game.
I have a lot of respect for Wenger. But a player needs playing time. And a coach has to put his faith in a player if he feels that he needs it.
You need experience around you when you are a young player. You need to know how to run a team, to lead a team and to play as a team which means, your team has leaders but you still function as a team.
I'm going to continue to be the defensive player that my team needs me to be and the real basketball people will get that.
A winning player is nothing more than a player on a winning team. A losing player is a guy who played on a losing team that year.
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