A Quote by Dimitar Berbatov

Those who know me, my really close friends, know that I play for enjoyment and to entertain the fans. — © Dimitar Berbatov
Those who know me, my really close friends, know that I play for enjoyment and to entertain the fans.
I had some friends commenting me books, but mostly it was people I didn't know. But they're fans. They're fans of the books, so they have a working knowledge of how I write, and they know what they like and what they don't like. I'm really grateful for their feedback.
Sometimes people will approach me on the street and ask me very personal questions about my dating life. Fans talk to me like they know me, and it's like, 'You don't know me. You know my character, but you really don't know me.'
I love Rampage fans. I don't love all MMA fans, but I love Rampage fans. And I really want my fans to know that. I think my fans know when they come in contact with me.
Yeah, um, I do twitter because I want people to, you know, get to know me, my fans, or my fans to get to know me, you know, just see what type of person I am. You know, hopefully be more on an intimate level with me as opposed to a distant level.
My day one fans - my fans from my mix tape days - know my life now. They know where I've been. You don't want to have a disconnection with those fans. You have to give them all of you because they feel like they've known you.
I just invited close friends and family, the usual suspects whose opinion I value but who I know will enjoy the film [Before I Go To Sleep]. I don't know how difficult it is for them to suspend their disbelief because they obviously know me and what they're seeing is not me.
There are a lot of things that American fans don't know about me yet! I would say they don't know me at all, but I guess that's great because now I have the chance to surprise them and make friends.
I'm always astounded that people know who I am and what I do. I still have a lot of anonymity and that's good. I don't get bothered in restaurants and stuff like that. But when I'm at events that are really geared toward animation fans, they know who I am. And I'm so very pleased and so flattered by it. People are extremely complimentary to me, and that only encourages me to continue to do more really good work. I get paid by the studios, but I know I work for the fans.
I know if I play hard and show that I want to be a Knick, I know the fans will accept me.
The one thing I've always said: Let your family and close friends be the judge of who you are as a person. Don't worry about being judged by others who don't know you, because your family and close friends know what you're all about, good and bad.
You only have to go on a couple message boards to know what the fans want, and the fans want you to put it on the line and to entertain them.
I'm sure those rumors are spread, but it's just ah - we're really good friend. We've been since day one in Hollywood. In class, we've been together in school. We've gotten really close, but I don't know about the more than friends stuff.
Some people are really proud of me, and some don't like it. I don't really know what to tell those people. It's like people that don't know me or people that aren't even my friends saying I've changed. I have two friends - exactly two friends. It's like, how can someone that's not even my friend say I've changed?
My family, friends, and true fans who know me and my heart know that I love beautiful, confident women and have always encouraged them to live their dreams.
Many of the crew members I work with and continue to work with were friends or have become close friends, and so we keep working together. And I like casting friends of mine or people I know in parts I know would be perfect for them. I like to bring things and people that mean something to me in to my work.
There's always a handful of 40-year-old dudes. I don't know why that is exactly. I don't know if it's like my looks or the music or what, but I seem to just really appeal to that age group. A lot of people have said to me, "What's with all the old men?," and they laugh. But to me, those are my fans and I'm happy they exist.
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